
The Time Has Come…

I’m leaving the office and heading to the Cantina to meet up with Syd. Oh, I didn’t think it would ever be time. Don’t you hate that feeling? When you’re watching the clock so you can go do something you’re really looking forward to? I spent my whole day like that – and now it’s finally time. Yeah!

Maybe I should call the bartender and tell him to have my margarita ready. Frozen, with salt please. How do you like yours?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

10 replies on “The Time Has Come…”

that’s EXACTLY how I like my Margaritas. My husband once thought he would impress me by ordering a pitcher of M’s for us to share. Along comes a huge pitcher of strawberry M’s. I didn’t give him a hard time about it, but I made sure he knew I only liked regular ones, blended with salt. So the next summer comes along and I ask him to get some M mix. What did he come home with? Strawberry flavored. YUCK!

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The Time Has Come…

The time is now to vote for the Anti-Bloggies. I would like “Most Updated Blog”. Please? Really, I would. I figure if we all band together, you can hook me up. Come on, you know you want to.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

6 replies on “The Time Has Come…”

sure thing, toots. I’ll do it right now, but ONLY if you nominate me for that bitchy “didn’t win a bloggie” category.
I’m so outrageously pissed off that I could just……oooh…cookies….

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The Time Has Come…

Jason is 9 and a half now, and this was the year. The year that all parents dread I think, it means your child is growing up … he asked on Thursday if there was really a Santa Claus. In our family, as long as you “believe” in Santa, he brings you gifts. Jason didn’t go into the details that Michele had to answer, and I answered him with the “What do you believe?” question, and reminded him that “if you don’t believe in Santa you won’t get any presents from him!” For a dose of good measure, I reminded him that Santa brings me gifts too, so if I was “Santa”, why do I get gifts and stuff in my stocking? He was puzzled for a moment over that one.

I know it’s time. I hate to admit it, but I know this is the year that I have to tell him. Oh well, at least I can finally get credit for a few of those Santa gifts, and he fill finally figure out that that is why he can’t have *everything* he wants!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

12 replies on “The Time Has Come…”

Awwww, are you sure you can’t drag it out one more year? Adam has known now since he was 9, however he flat out told me he knew I was Santa and exactly how he came to that determination, and that was pretty much that. I didn’t have no choice but to tell him the truth. It was actually pretty emotional when it all came down, and if I must say, I think Adam has a greater respect for his mother.

I think once Rachel starts to question it, I’m going to come clean with her. I know that when I found my lost baby teeth in my mother’s dresser drawer (and realized that there was no such thing as the tooth fairy) I was downright angry and felt betrayed. It’s so funny, I guess… I mean days before finding them, I had gotten into an argument at school with another kid, where I was *insisting* the tooth fairy existed. To be honest, I think the whole thing made me question anything that relies on “faith” alone… Especially when that “faith” is then proved to be a falsehood. Just my $.02… 🙂

I asked my mom point blank when I was 8. I asked her because there was some question raised at school whether Santa was real or not, and because I was so SURE that Santa was real, I was only asking her so that I could present proof at school (“My mommy said so!”)
She asked me if I reeeeeally wanted to know. That’s when I faultered. All of a sudden I wasn’t so sure. But I asked anyway. And she told me, choking back tears, that no, there wasn’t really a Santa Claus (I think she went on about the spirit, etc, but I wasn’t listening at that point). I was crushed! Christmas wasn’t the same after that… until NOW! Now I get to be Santa! Oh, it’s so exciting!

Been there. Done that. Just a few months ago. Like Catherine’s experience, Lauren just came out and *told* me there was no Santa and I was left with no options of what to do or not do. I simply looked at her and said “If that’s what you believe. Just so you know, I *still* believe in Santa and so does your brother. If you say *one* word about there being no Santa to him, then I’ll have to cause you bodily harm.” (I’m such a mean mother.) LOL

But yeah, we’ve had the *talk* and she does know there is really no Santa. To be perfectly honest, though, I do still believe in Santa – although it’s more on the level of Christmas spirit rather than an actual *person*. And I made sure to explain that to her, as well. And Jim even admitted to her that he still listens for sleigh bells and hoof sounds on the roof come Christmas Eve. I think it’s important to always keep that slice of innocence alive – no matter how old you are. Then again, that’s just *my* two cents worth.

It happens eventually. LOL I remember when I first considered the possibility there was no Santa. I remember asking my mom one Christmas morning, “Mom, how is it that Santa always uses the exact same wrapping paper we do??” Her hesitation in answering, answered the question for me. :o)

I found out in the absolute *WORST* way — I was in the third grade and was arguing with a group of kids about it (I was the only one that still believed without question) — and my TEACHER came up and said, “I can’t believe you still think there’s a Santa at your age!” D’oh! So I went home all mad and humiliated and snapped at my mom, “I bet there’s no Easter bunny or tooth fairy either!”, and slammed my door. Needless to say, my mom went to school the next day and had a loooooong talk with Mrs. Botkin. It sucked the way I learned though — I’d much rather hear from my parent.

I never thought there was a Santa. My family didn’t (doesn’t) celebrate Christmas, and I have begun to spend the holidays with my boyfriend. I think it’s much better having grown up without the lie or story or fairy tale or whatever of Santa and all those other things parents tell children. It depends on who I marry, but when I have kids I’m strongly considering never introducing the concept of Santa to them. I would’ve hated to find out my parents lied to me about that.

One Christmas morning, hubby and I were awake listening to the children out by the tree. One asked the oldest The question. He basically told her Santa was Jesus’ cousin. Works for us.

I’m Santa.

Seriously, I found out like a cold slap in the face. This was when I was 8 or 9. I woke up in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve, and doing *exactly* what I was told NOT to do, I crept ever so quietly into the hallway to peek around the corner. Lo and behold, there was a box from JCPenney there the size of a Yugo. Curiousity peaking, I looked around the corner to the living room to see the JCPenney catalog delivery guy (yep, a long time ago) helping my mom get all the pressies out of the box and set up for the next morning. I didn’t tell for a while, since obviously if I did, the scores might decrease! 🙂


Tell Jason that there is a Santa. I still believe. I get presents on Christmas morning that I didn’t buy so there has to be a Santa. I have had enough bubbles burst in the last few years, I don’t need to lose this one to. Santa lives and RULES!!!!!!

my father’s side of the family is jewish so we didn’t celebrate christmas other than as a secular holiday with my mother’s side of the family, and i don’t remember ever being unaware that santa was not “real”. we still got presents from santa, and the dichotemy never bothered me because i felt like i was in on the joke.

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