I am really glad I have a Tivo because that way I can fast-forward through the biting, bitching, back-stabbing commercials of all of the likes of Tony Sanchez and Rick Perry. I’ve had enough. Finger pointing just seems like the worst way to try to win a political office. (You can read up on the election issues at Charles’s site, the archives for it are here.) So if you live in Texas, I suggest you use your power to write in whoever you want and vote for Jack Cluth. With his political plan to invade Louisiana, we can’t go wrong!
Is the election over yet? Is it safe to turn the TV back on?
7 replies on “Things Are Getting Ugly…”
Just wanted to sneak in and say Happy Halloween
I couldn’t agree more! I knew already that I could never go another moment in my life without Tivo – this election season has not only cemented that fact, but buffeted it with impermiability!
Colorado has Wayne Allard and Tom Strickland batttling it out and it is UGLY! I hate BOTH of them.
Because of them, I haven’t watched any LIVE television for months. Tivo has been my savior!
I just posted on my site about those annoying ads…we have ’em here, too…there is no escape.
Unless you have a Tivo. I don’t have one yet, but stuff likes this makes me want to get it!
Like you said, MT is good. But why switch if the software works. Both times you changed were for darn good reasons. Now if Mike is annoyed by some aspect of blogger and wants to move then fine.
I think moving for the sake of moving is a “herd” mentality, to MT itself. Frankly some of the arguments on his site have made me want to switch to MT. But I am a lazy lazy man 😀 … maybe I will just write my own blogging software … most likely not 😀
BTW best comment disclaimer EVER 😀
Not only will I invade Louisiana, I may also invade Oklahoma (Arkansas hardly seems worth the trouble…)!!
I can’t support invading Oklahoma without getting Robyn and Todd’s approval first. Don’t want to make the wifey mad!