
Things to Do…

Just so I don’t forget, here are all the things I need to do while I’m sitting here not working…

:: File for unemployment
:: Make soap
:: Photograph soap
:: List soap on eBay For now it’s just going on the website.
:: Wrangle out of the grasp of VeriSign hell.
:: Move to Blogomania’s servers. (Content moved, still need to make nameserver change)
:: Set up eCommerce on Sudsalicious.
:: Sell soap to make money. (Hey little girl, you want to buy some soap?)
:: Take wet t-shirt photos to help sell soap. (Any volunteers?)
:: Find a job.
:: Call temp guy and yell at him for not finding me work.
:: Watch some mindless television. (There’s a lot of stuff I need to clear off the Tivo.)
:: Watch Captain Corelli’s Mandolin so I can return it to the apartment office. Must return in 3 days.
:: Watch Ocean’s Eleven so I can finally return it to Kymberlie. Won’t she be surprised?
:: Clean the dining room.
:: Clean the kitchen.
:: Clean my bathroom & bedroom.
:: Do laundry.
:: Get my hair cut – 4:30 appointment today.
:: Read Kymberlie’s books after I finish the one I’m reading right now. (Added at her request.)
:: Make some time to help Naomi with her move. Get the goodies she doesn’t want any more and make a new home for them.
:: Find something really nice but free or low-cost to do for Mike for all of the wonderful, priceless, precious things he has done for me this past week. (Any suggestions? Anyone?)

Added later after hair appointment:
:: Make Sudsalicious brochure for Troy, my hair stylist.
:: Print fragrance list for Troy.
:: Make order form for Troy so he can sell soaps too.
:: Make basket of soaps for Troy to sell. Deliver to shop before Saturday.
:: Print business cards to leave with basket.
:: Log in to old Sudsalicious site and redirect people to new temporary location.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

13 replies on “Things to Do…”

I missed that you were making soaps when reading (I read ya often, but I guess not enough). When you get up and running, let me know and I’ll post a link at a Mom’s board I haunt. We love to support women in business!

Ideas for Mike:

1 – give him a really good massage (Mike has been a bit tense lately) πŸ˜‰
2 – gather all your friends to come hear him sing at Lights in the Heights
3 – cook him dinner
4 – get him a kitten (ok, maybe that’s so I can visit him and play with it…)

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