Brought to you by A List Apart: 10 Tips on Writing the Living Web. Well written and lots to think about. Blogs have a tendency to grow, to change, to evolve. As you work through that process, the points in this article are good ones to think about.
By the way, if you take cold medicine and sleep most of the day, you’ll find that you are pretty wide awake around midnight. I think I’m starting to lose my voice, and this is not a good thing. I have clients I need to call this week – do you realize how hard it is to make a call when you don’t have a voice?
8 replies on “Things to Think About…”
Is e-mail an option for contacting clients? And isn’t the cure to being awake at midnight just taking more cold medicine? I hope that you get to feeling better soon.
Unfortunately, one is waiting for a 10am Conference call. The other one that wants to meet face-to-face is going to get to meet with just the designer – I’m not up to it.
Being often of the phone support type employment and of course of the vulnerable to throat ailments type girly girl, I can sympathize. I have found, however, that the whisper type voice I can muster is usually very well received (aka, people slow down and listen harder) and oddly returned (as in people start talking softly back to me.) Bizarre.
Would it be awkward to have one of those voice synthesizers? 😉 Hehe, it might weird the clients out, though 🙂
Oh dear, nothing worse on a day full of meetings or calls than to have lost your voice. Hope the cold has gone and the voice gets better soon. 🙁
Poor you:( I’m so far behind I’m just getting around – I hope you’re feeling better!
salt water gargle. i know, i know. *eeww ick* right? just listen to “dr. granny” here. it will help the throat.
I hope you are feeling better dear – how did those calls go? I sent you some cookies to try and help you feel better :giggle: