I’m finally on the road to recovery from the bug that has been holding me down and beating the crap out of me lately, but I’m just too tired to write. Instead I am going to leave you with some Fresh Friday Finds. They may not be new to you, but they are new to me…
:: Blissful Journey – I am a sucker for photographs of European sites any day! Yum! Fun design, great words, and more!
:: SassyPants Oh, she had me hooked the second I saw her domain name. All that and some pinked tossted in – perfect!
:: Life with Bucco looks great and it feels great!
What are some of your latest fresh finds?
3 replies on “To Keep You Busy…”
Thanks for the kind words and the link!
Hope you are feeling completely better, soon.. 🙂
I am loving Kalilly.net. The self appointed crone of blogworld. Insights from an older woman, I really appreciate it. Stretches the demographics of bloggers which I like.
Hope you feel 100% soon!
Eee! Thanks for the pimp! 🙂 I used to be purple and green–the pink is more me, I think. I have to give credit to Joelle though. She did the design. I’m design-retarded. I can bold and link. That’s about it.