
Too Tired to Blog…

I’m not kidding. I’m too tired to blog. I don’t want to be looking at a computer any more, and as soon as I download my photos, this thing is going off. I’m going to stare at the TV. Or stare at the wall for all it matters, anything but a monitor. But before that I need to pack up my stuff, it’s time to leave Boston and go home. Jenn & I went back in to Boston today so I could take photos of the things that I didn’t get to shoot the other day when the “real” (film not smart media) camera was acting up. I walked for hours and hours today and my legs are sore. We had fantastic brick oven pizza for dinner. Rachel is a cutie-pie and I’ll miss her sweet smiles. Sam & Jennifer have been the BEST hosts a girl could ask for, and I’ll really miss them both when I go home. It was fantastic to meet Erika, Susannah and Jess in person.

Do I have to return to the real world and go back to work? *sigh* Well, more from me later this week – but to sum it up, I have had an absolutely WONDERFUL time. Jenn & I are already planning what we’ll be doing on my next trip to Boston!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

11 replies on “Too Tired to Blog…”

baby, i feel you….chill before you get the *evil* carpal tunnel syndrome 🙂 BTW, I so love your photo site??!! When are you sharing your fabu talent with Small Spiral??? or do I have to kill u first?

Haha, I have to take staring breaks several times a day to relieve my eyes. Have a safe trip back to Houston! And remember to relax as you start settling back in 😉

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