BlahBlahBabble Knittastic!

Trekking Around the World…

Trekking Along

In Houston, it is just too hot to go hiking. At least you can’t really go hiking outdoors. Instead, Julia came to visit from Austin last weekend, and Katy & I met up with her. We went on a Fiber Crawl, visiting both Yarntopia and Yarns 2 Ewe. Then we went to Ikea. Ikeeeeeaaaaaa! I had not visited the new, much larger Ikea since they remodeled it. Goodness, it is HUGE. We trekked around Ikea for an hour or two. My Trekking yarn has not made it onto the needles yet, but it went with me!

I’ll be taking it with me to London, so it will probably make it onto the needles at the airport today. I was doing well with restricting my fiber packing, and then Chris pointed out that the yarn stores overseas are not like what we are used to in the US. Great. Just great. Did I mention that I tend to overpack? Yeah. Now I keep thinking of things I want to bring. I keep reminding myself that I am sure that I will see sock yarn that I love, so it will all be ok. It is barely working.

In the knitting bag for the trip:
– The half finished Clapotis made in Lorna’s Laces Lion & Lamb, Lakeview. (That is a lot of L’s!)
– The Trekking socks
– The P socks for Tara (Potatomus? Pomatomus? Goodness, I can never remember the name.)
– The first two skeins of yarn for my Eris sweater. Yes, I am finally making a sweater.
– Possibly one more yarn for socks, because a skein is small and easy to carry around as needed.

My big debate? Bringing a hank of roving and the drop spindle. Every time I spin, I seem to get congested, so I’m just not sure if I want to deal with that while traveling. But spinning is so much fun!

I just need to keep telling myself, “I am not Ginger, the movie-star. I can survive without my evening wear. It is just a 3-hour boat tour using a rented newport beach boat rental.”

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

13 replies on “Trekking Around the World…”

Trekking at Ikea…

I took my Trekking along on an urban trek at Ikea last weekend, and took a href= picture/a to celebrate our first outing. I leave for London later today, where I am sure my Trekking and…

What a fun post! I totally relate to the overpacking but never attributed it to Gilligan’s Island until now. Thanks! Now, what can I blame on the Brady Bunch? Have fun in London; I am SO jealous. Can’t wait to see your Trekkers.

Enjoy your trip to London, I’ve come via the Trek Along With Me blog and enjoyed hearing about your trip to IKEA! You’re right that yarn stores over here are not great. There are two good ones in London though. One is Loop, in Islington:
which is quite small and boutiquey.
There is a new one (literally just opened) in Putney called Stash yarns.
I think their website is:

Have fun!

You’ll be fine with what you’ve packed. I’m sure London has great yarn shops! Talking about Clapotis…I better pick mine up again before Winter in NZ is over and my best mate still hasn’t got it.(Oh, yeah, you mentioned your Clapotis on your last podcast, too – I listened, but just haven’t got anything witty to say)

I have actually taken my knitting to Ikea to test out chairs! I would LOVE to see your crochet socks book as I am considering crocheting my Yarntopia socks – I am such a rebel. If there is room in that suitcase, I would LOVE cool sock yarn from London – hint hint. I’ll even pay for it cash or in Yarntopia trade : ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need to get some Trekking sock yarn. I’m currently sock yarned out, though, as i picked up some Koigu and Louet Gems Opal this weekend. (No, I’m not complaining. More Koigu socks for me! Although I still haven’t knit the Koigu I bought when you were in Philly last year…)

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