This site, Coincidence Design, cracks me up. Would you pay $78,000 to *meet* someone? Would it be worth it? What if they absolutely hated you? This reminds me of the person that was trying to get $30,000 for his feedback on Chicken Nuggets (I think it was a Jack in the Box commercial) and he said “It just takes one…” Yeah, I would like to meet the one person that pays $78,000 for a “Coincidence”. (Link thanks to Chel)
4 replies on “Uh, Coincidence, Yeah…”
Whoa! You GOT to be kidding me! Give me $78K and I’ll walk anyone around anywhere in New York, I’ll even stop strangers on the street. Come to think of that, I would do it for $780 dollars!!!! 🙂
O – M – G!! Is that thing a joke??? If it isn’t… that’s pretty freaky… =shudder=
Second that OMG! That’s funny because today I came across an eBay-style auction for a wife!
You know, I was shocked and horrified when I first checked out the site. Paying for a stalker seems kind of scary. But delving into further, I can kind of understand the reasoning. For example, in the FAQ, one question asks, “I am female and would like you to design a coincidence with a male subject. Can you do it?” and the answer is, “No, sorry. The male-female dynamic doesn’t work that way.”
That’s so true. Somehow there is just something so basic about a man persuing a woman. Not in a scary stalker way, or a dark alley mugger kind of way, of course. This “service” goes way overboard into the scary stalker side of the persuit, but I can definitely understand the reasoning and emotions behind it. Done right, and not with private investgators or stalking, the pursuit of a woman by a mentally stable and non-wussy male can be just incredibly flattering.