Uh oh. I told Marc about the blog, and now he is hooked. I’m telling you, this stuff is like crack. Soooooo… since he didn’t even know what a blog was until today, he doesn’t have one. I told him to just give it a little time. You can’t resist the blog. Meanwhile, he sent this little poem for me to share.
It is winter
The groundhog sees a shadow
It is the front tire of my car
There will be six more weeks of winter
But not for the groundhog
Thanks for sharing that with me Marc. I think it adds the perfect touch. It is a lovely day outside here in Houston. Maybe that’s my problem – I have spring fever, just a bit early. Considering how warm it is outside, that’s not too surprising. (Did I mention that I hate Houston & the fact we have 2 seasons? Summer and the other 2 months of the year…)