Sometimes people are amazing. A Hooters’ Patron wants surgery loan payback. Seems the guy visited Hooters a lot, and was chummy with a waitress. After awhile she supposedly asked him to pay for her boob job. And he did. Now he claims it was just a loan, she claims it was a gift. Either way, if you ask me – it’s strange. I might loan a close friend who I have known for years $4000. I would not loan that money to my favorite waitress (or waiter). Just would not happen. Better yet, the patron used a government-issued credit card to pay the doctor! Yes, the card says right on it “for official government travel only”. So I guess he didn’t mind the tab for her boob job, because in the end we might just all be stuck with the bill! People are amazing. (via the Netdork)
One reply on “Uh, Yeah… I Would Do That…”
I think I saw this story on a Ricki Lake, Montel, or Sally episode once…