
Vacation, Time to Get Away…

The great family vacation debate of 2006 is finally over. Yeah, yeah … vacation? Christine! You just got back from London! Yes, yes I did – and we are still going on a family vacation. We decided to pick somewhere not too far from home so we could drive there because even with these gas prices, it is still cheaper than 3 plane tickets. We decided we wanted to go somewhere new. Someplace quiet. Scenic and beautiful. So this year, we are driving to the Ozarks at the end of the month and renting this cabin for a week. We can relax, we can enjoy nature, and we can cook there instead of eating out. They claim that there are almost no mosquitos there, but I’m excited about the screened in back porch just in case.

This is going to be so much fun!

Now which knitting projects should I bring along?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

9 replies on “Vacation, Time to Get Away…”

Sounds like fun! I’ve always wanted to rent a cabin up in the mountains during winter…but have never gotten around to doing it.

We just had our mini family trip recently. We drove down to San Diego to hit La Jolla and go to Sea World. It was wonderful, albeit short.


I’d love to go up in the mountains, too. I’ve seriously been thinking of buying land somewhere up North… 🙂

So, come on, show us. What projects do you have in mind? 🙂

Oh, gosh, does that ever look nice! This is a great idea. Something to file away for a couple of years from now, when my littlest is a bit older.

Hmm, a week in the woods. You’ll want at least two sock projects, a shawl or other lace, and something simple and meditative like a hat. Minimum, of course. Maximum? Heck, you’re driving, it’s not like the luggage is restricted. 🙂

Psst — did you see my article in the new Knitty?

I happened across your website from my brother, jarkolicious. I live at the base of the Ozarks in Arkansas. I think they are so beautiful. I hope you enjoy your vacation and don’t let the mosquitos eat too much of ya!!

Very cool cabin. I am envious, but I have seen the Ozarks and they are beautiful. Take peaceful knitting. But something you won’t mind putting down to go for a walk. So, is there wifi? Never mind, we’ll talk when you get back.

Hope you have a nice vacation! Americans shouldn’t complaint about gasoline prices, though… Think environment, drive less. Gas prices in Norway are about 2 USD / litre, included somewhere around 80 % environmental tax.

While that is great in theory, Thomas, it isn’t feasible. Not in Houston, where I live. Nothing is close to anything else – it is a HUGE city. We have almost no public transportation system. I live on the edge of the city, 30+ miles to downtown Houston. I live this far out because the houses here are over $150,000 less to own. So I can’t walk anywhere, I can’t take the train or subway as it doesn’t exist, the heat is in the mid 90s all summer long (from about May – October, actually). I have lived overseas and appreciate the cost of gas in Europe, I also know that they generally have alternative options for transportation. I wish I could say that I had the same.

I would move to a different city, however my husband’s job is here. If he could transfer to London or the Hague, I would JUMP at the opportunity. Unfortunately, it isn’t likely to happen any time soon.

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