
Wal-Mart is EVIL…

Like Candi, I had a little shopping excursion to Wal-Mart today. Let me just get this out in the open… Wal-Mart is EVIL. I had some items to return – a purse I didn’t want because I bought the Nine West one instead, LipFinity red lipstick that was too orange-y in normal light, a sweater and some flannel jammie pants that didn’t fit right (that’s what happens when you don’t try them on first!) and a copy of “Unbreakable” which Columbia House sent me because I was a dork and didn’t mail the card back in. Yes, I took it to the store and they were happy to give me $20 for it.

Then I went to pick up “a few things”. This is how EVERY experience at Wal-Mart begins. Thank goodness I was limited on time because I had to pick Jason up from his religion class at 10:15. I bought a folding chair for his room because I set the computer up on the computer cart in there last night. I bought “Office Space” for $14.99 (whoo hoo! It was $20 last time I looked!) and “The Cable Guy” for under $10. (I *love* both of those movies!) I got a different color sweater in the right size this time. I got this adorable little lamp for the shelves in my living room for $5. I bought a new plant to go in my beta jar, the other one looks pretty sad. I think that’s it. All for $87. When the cashier said it was $87, I said “Damn!!” She seemed surprised. Sorry, I wasn’t expecting it to be that much!

Since I got home and started cleaning out closets though I started to question my “need” for the new sweater. It’s this burgundy/wine/maroon color that I own 10 other tops in already. I seem to buy a new top every fall that is that color! Of course I look good in that color, so maybe I will keep it. I’ll have to see what all it will coordinate with. Clothes don’t get to stay here if they won’t play nice with others that I already own. Of course I am certified as a member of “Wal-Mart Returnaholics”, the gals at the return counter would probably be hurt if I didn’t return something from today’s purchase!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “Wal-Mart is EVIL…”

No, no. Walmart IS EVIL. They underpay their employees, hire employees UNDER a certain intelligence level, undercut labor, drive small business out of town, and promote “sameness” in local communities. Please don’t go to Wal-Mart again. Think about HOW MANY PEOPLE will have that same sweater, plant, etc. if you must. Please.

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