In case you were wondering where I live in relation to Galveston, we are here. Well, if you turned left at the star and went through one traffic signal. But that is close enough!
In case you were wondering where I live in relation to Galveston, we are here. Well, if you turned left at the star and went through one traffic signal. But that is close enough!
4 replies on “We Are Here…”
Take care and be safe!
and we’re just down the street…
As of now we’re staying here, though the final decision will be made tomorrow after we see what Rita plans to do. Both sets of our parents are staying, too, but all the siblings are running for the hills!!!
I luuuv pink!!
Christina, I thought you lived much further south. You live so far north that you might not get caught in the super heavy traffic jam. Maybe LOL
I wish I could evac to where you live hee hee, but it would probably take until tomorrow night for me to get there from the Almeda Mall area!
I emailed that Riding it Out Chronicle thing, but I don’t know if they’d be interested in me since I will NOT give out my last name, and won’t be photoblogging w/o a digicam. I don’t have an internet phone either.
But if I can find an internet phone around the people here, I’ll be storm blogging from
I gave the address to my immediate neighbors so if I can post to it, I’ll tell them about their houses.
Have fun in Austin, and try not to get caught in any bad weather like the evacuees from the Houston area did when they evac’d Gilbert about 12’ish years ago (I think it was flooding in Austin, and tornados in SA…I missed the flooding in Austin because I came back as soon as I found out Gilbert didn’t hit the Houston area).