
Well, it Feels Like a Monday…

It feels like a Monday. And I am behind on my blog reading (again) so I am just now doing the “Monday Mission” from Promo Guy:

1. In the last week, what happened that made you feel loved beyond your wildest dreams?
Hmm, life has been pretty quiet lately, but it gave me warm fuzzies to get a sweet note in the mail (the mailbox, physical location, paper note) from Robyn. Just made me feel really happy when I got it on Monday, and makes me smile when I see it.

2. In the last week, what happened that crushed your little spirit?
Lots of stress at work last week. Didn’t really crush my spirit, sure as heck wore me down though! But it was a site move, I am gaining a great client, so I can’t complain.

3. What’s the last piece of music that made you cry?
Some sappy song on 93Q. Country crap about lost love and that sort of thing. Blech. Quick, where is my happy music!

4. What bad movie is really your guilty pleasure?
Like I watch porn or something? Or the fact that I consider Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory one of the bests movies ever in spite of what some might say are it’s shortcomings. Not to mention Oompah Loompahs are freaky looking.

5. Recall one time your Mom and/or Dad hurt you (physically, verbally, mentally) that you still remember.
Oh my goodness, that is a loooong list. I am not even going to go there. We call her psycho-mom for a reason you know.

6. Visualize a perfect winter moment.
If I could visualize any winter moment I would be happy, it’s too damn hot here for December! Ok, ok, the PERFECT winter moment was December 1991, when I visited the Christkindlmarkt in Heidelberg, Germany. It wasn’t too cold, but just cold enough for snow. GORGEOUS huge fluffy snowflakes. And we walked in the snow, bundled up and warm and cozy, admiring all the booths, looking at the Christmas ornaments, the city entirely decorated with lights. Christmas lights everywhere, snow, and the castle on the hill that overlooks the city was lit up and framed in this picturesque manner. It was an amazing night like no other, and truly a once in a lifetime scene. Words can not even describe how perfect it was. And we walked up to the castle courtyards, overlooking the city … wow. It was just beautiful, I can picture it clearly in my mind. I can even smell the Gluhwein we were drinking (hot mulled wine). After going through the market we relaxed in a cafe that we discovered that had these wonderful booths – the seats hung from the ceiling on these giant chains, and so did the tables. Fireplace near our table. Laughter and great conversation. All of the magic of Christmas and winter rolled into one amazing evening.

7. What would be your ideal dinner (food, locale, company)?
Hmmmm… I am such a Libra, I can think of 80 different things. BUT I will narrow it to one. If I could have a wonderful get together of all of my blog friends (yeah, everyone, from around the country) and we could have steaks and potatoes (veggie-burgers or something for the vegans in the group) and all the cool people from around the globe could gather at my place. Yep, cool thing about apartment life, we have a great pool! And it’s right outside my balcony. Yep, wouldn’t that be fun?

Bonus: What the dilly, yo?
HUH? Uh, you talking to me?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

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