Late last night I went to post a comment on Dawn’s site, and got a weird error. I didn’t think too much of it, just that it was a rebuild glitch. Then this morning, Robyn & I had blank white pages. Now I’ve found out that Jenn and many others hosting at Aletia are having problems with MT not running. Eek! (My blank page had nothing to do with that since I am hosting somewhere else) Hopefully it’s just a techno glitch over there and someone can get them all back up & running soon!
4 replies on “What Happened Last Night?”
Eeep! Did you ever figure out what it was for us? I didn’t even know…
Its been down all day for many of the servers at aletia. Mine wasn’t hit (a or something from the perl modules was deleted from the servers), but some-dreams was, which I was configuring before bed. Blech, its such a mess. What was that hosting address where you are at again? I just might be coming to visit…
You guys (Christine, Robyn, and Jennifer) ought to put your money where your mouths are and move your sites to Blogomania.
Oh, and I love this new design. I wish I were as cool as you. 🙂
Robyn & I are hosted with Blogomania, that’s why I said that the Aletia problem wasn’t our issue, since we are hosting “somewhere else” (meaning Blogomania). Jenn is moving in the near future…