I found Santa!
Just to be clear, this wasn’t the guy that is paid to be in the holiday photos with the kids. Oh no, this man was The Real Thing. I am sure of it. He had the beard, the glasses, the hat – he was shopping for gifts! I wonder what he was getting for me?
I took a better photo of him, but when I opened my phone back up to send it to Flickr, it was gone. Just … gone. I wasn’t surprised though – that just proved it was the real Santa. I couldn’t really “capture” him with a camera.
The only reason this one made it was because I sent it right away. Just to be safe. I didn’t want it to disappear again. Because, you know, it seemed a bit odd that I was following him around the store with my phone open and all that.
4 replies on “Santa Stalker…”
That is a cool photo! Sometimes a magical moment comes when we least expect it!
The photo is cool, but i don’t beleive in it.
I wonder if that’s why the picture didn’t send. You got too close to the truth and so when you where pressing send. Santa magical made it disappear, lol…It’s not a very logical but it’s the best theory I can come up with. Take care and have a great week! If you see Santa again, tell him Scarlett said hello!