
Wildseed Farms…

In looking up details on the Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) that I posted earlier today, I discovered Wildseed Farms. It is over in Fredericksburg, one of the places on my “things I want to see in Texas” list. (Yes, I have never been – crazy, huh?) Going to Wildseed Farms would be like a dream come true for me, walking among the fields of flowers and learn how they take care of them, although I been reading a lot about gardening at to learn how to do it myself. Just think of all the flower photographs I could get! And there is a live Butterfly Haus! Plus a display garden and walking trails! Not to mention that the whole area gets taken care of thanks to the Tree Removal – Precision Tree Services company which is one of the best ones.

It makes me swoon a little just thinking about it.

(In case you wondered, I replaced the previous coneflower photo with a color-corrected version. I didn’t have time to tweak it this morning.)

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

9 replies on “Wildseed Farms…”

My ex ordered seeds from there many times. I hear it is a really beautiful place as well. I have some purple coneflowers in my yeard. They are really pretty and very hearty.

We went there with Kenny’s grandparents years ago, before we were even in the house (and pre-digital camera). The picture on our mantle with his grandparents was taken there (with red poppies behind us).

Oooh, let us know when you go, we’d love to go to Fredericksburg. Also, have you been to the Botanical Gardens in Austin? They have a butterfly trail there, it is cool. Also a very cool Japanese garden.

i was just wondering if you could maybe post info about when you’re podcasting next on your pointy sticks website. there are some people who don’t know about this website (i only just found out!) and think you have stopped podcasting because nothing has been posted since 5/29! if you would just post one tiny little entry saying you’re taking the summer off to be with your family, you’d give hope that you’ll be coming back with more podcasts! we’ve missed you and your great choices of songs!

I used to live in Fburg – before Wildseed Farms established. It’s changed a lot since I lived there (over 20 years ago), but it’s still a cool place to go. There are winery tours and I think there is a yarn or spinning shop there now. LIke you really needed the incentive. Octoberfest is fun. I would definitely be interested in a road trip.

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