
Wrong Way…

Being sick just days before your birthday really sucks. In the past, I’ve normally made plans to get together with friends for dinner, and it’s been the perfect birthday celebration. Heck, over a month ago, I was talking with some of the girls about a birthday tiara happy hour. But this past week, I’m realizing that none of it is going to happen. (In part because I haven’t planned anything – sort of a key point in the process.)

I should add that I have made plans to go out for dinner with Mike, Jason and my parents on Sunday, and I’m totally psyched about that. So I’m not having a pitty party or anything of the sort. It’s just … well, I feel horrid.

Yesterday morning, I woke up feeling so much better than I have all week. Energized, refreshed, and only slightly congested. I was excited about the possibility of making plans for dinner tonight. Maybe even going to a movie. Jason had two different doctor appointments, so we spent most of the day at those, and inbetween I did some grocery shopping. All-in-all, a pretty good day.

But last night I heard it. The distinctive crackling frog in my throat that means I will lose my voice. I knew it was coming, it happens almost every time that I’m sick. Back in May, I was without a voice for the better part of a week, right in the midst of wedding planning. It was not a good thing. No voice for my birthday? Ugh.

This morning, I woke up sooooo congested. I can barely breath, and the sinus pressure all over my head is intense. I have a burning feeling in my throat. I am coughing and sneezing constantly. I think I’ve gone through half a box of Kleenex already, and I’ve only been up an hour and a half. Miserable. And when I took Jason to the pediatrician yesterday for his eyes, he told me that if I didn’t continue to improve, I should go see the doctor. That’s hanging over me right now, because I’m too icky feeling to drive all the way over to the doctor’s office. Blech.

This is all going the wrong way. I’m supposed to be getting better – my birthday is on Monday! I was sick half of last weekend, this should be gone by now!

I’m going to go pout in my room now, while I curl up in bed with a good book (Dragonfly in Amber) and rest. I wonder if there is any chicken soup in the pantry…

(One positive note: Ivan is not hear beating down on us with rain. It is cloudy, and it will probably rain later today, but it’s not as bad as I feared. Hopefully, that won’t change.)

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “Wrong Way…”

I have always “sworn” that mega doses of vitamin C helps ward off a cold when I feel one coming on. Sure doesn’t hurt to try it!

I hope you feel better and have a great weekend. Everyone in my house is sick right now as well except for me! Hopefully it will skip me so I can relax and take care of my husband and baby 🙂

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