Well, lots of things rock. But first of all I got an AWESOME e-mail minutes ago from Meryl, and whoooo… she is right, we do have a lot in common. She has a ton of cool links on her site, and in addition to that she writes for WebReview.com, where you can read her article on Site Search Madness: A Roundup. This is handy for the MovableType users, as I don’t think MT has a built in search yet. Also handy for people like me who have posts from Blogger archives plus GreyMatter archives. Also, here is a good CSS Tutorial for those of us that want to learn more about that! What fun, what fun indeed!
Another cool thing today was that Sue and I gabbed away on IM, and her cousin is married to someone I went to school with for about 7 years in Kankakee, Illinois. It was neat because it gave me a chance to remember places, things, roads, that sort of thing. What a small world, huh? I just thought that was sooooo cool, plus Sue is a pretty nifty-spiffy gal herself!
One reply on “You Know what ROCKS???”
We really liked the website .. Thank you.