If we’re going to be BFFs, you should know that I really suck at setting goals.
I’m working through a course right now for my photography business, and I’m stuck on week 1, lesson 1. What is tripping me up? All of the questions are about setting goals. What goals do you want for your business? What goals do you want for your family? What goals do you want for your life?
Uhm, I guess that filling in all the blanks with, “To be happy!” is NOT an acceptable response.
I’ve been pretty successful in my life and my photography business for the past 6+ years. I am happy with it, it has been profitable. I am mostly happy in my personal life. Perfect? No. But happy. I just suck at formally setting goals.
Back in 2010 when I met MeRa Koh, she asked me what I wanted to be doing in 10 years. I stared at her with a blank look. Uhhh… still living? Fortunately she then flipped the question over and asked what I did NOT want to be doing in 5 years, and *bam!* immediate answer. I can tell you what I don’t want to do right away.
Part of it is the fact that I’ve been a part of this internet world for too long. Time passes at breakneck speed. Where will things even be in 5 years? Who knows?!
If I dig deeper though, I know exactly where it started. I was in a relationship for 8 years that was tumultuous. I’d make plans on Wednesday for Friday, and they would fall through. I don’t deal well with plans being changed, so I stopped making plans — but even worse? I stopped setting goals.
I’m working on changing this — I believe goals are quite important. How can I know how I’m going to get to where I want to go if I don’t have goals?
So for this Things You Should Know About Me Thursday, I’m coming clean. I suck at setting goals, but I’m trying to learn how to do it. I think it will make me a better person.
Things You Should Know Thursdays was inspired by a Vivid & Brave journaling prompt. Our goal with the Vivid & Brave program is to help creative women dig deeper and find their authentic voice — this is mine. If you share a thing I should know about you, be sure to come back here and leave a comment so I can link to you too! The hashtag for social media is #TYSKT.