13 years ago yesterday I wrote the first post on this site. The First First Post. It is incredible to me to think that this site has been around now for 13 years and 1 day.
More incredible to me is the fact that I’m in the process of leaving behind the BigPinkCookie name after all these years.
Yes, you read that correctly. I keep trying to “revive” the blog, and I realized while I was at the Mom 2.0 Summit this past weekend that a revival was not what I need. I need a fresh start. A new identity that matches the rest of the changes in my life.
This blog has seen me through so many great times, so many amazing things. I met Mike, we bought a house, got married, Jason grew up, we bought a house in the Heights, we sold our old house. I made new friends, friends that have been with me through a lot of things.
This blog has also seen me through some really hard times. Maybe that is the baggage that I’m feeling, that I don’t want to carry around any more.
Most of all, I have changed. 13 years ago I was working for a web design company. Then another, then a round of being unemployed, time at a law firm, back to school, years as a wedding photographer plus a boudoir photographer.
In 2010, I started working with Jeff Jochum, first through two workshops where I realized I *REALLY* wanted to focus on photographing Hot Mamas, and over the next year or so of coaching with him I discovered … well, I discovered ME. (Matter of fact, the move to the Heights and the physical changes all started after that time.)
I’ve never felt more like myself since … well, for as long as I can remember. I now own my own business, happily working as the Hot Mama photographer. I love my life. While BigPinkCookie helped me get to that place, who I am now is the Avenger of Sexiness. I help Hot Mamas grow their confidence and rediscover their beauty … all while I am doing the same for myself.
It was fascinating watching how “Avenger of Sexiness” resonates with other women as they read my business card or commented on my t-shirt at Mom 2.0 last weekend.
That was when it hit me. This blog? It needs a change. A fresh start. And that all starts with the name. As soon as I can get the geek-fu magic to take place it will become AvengerOfSexiness.com
Writing that out makes me feel like I can breathe again. I’ve known for 4 months now that I need to do something BIG with the Avenger of Sexiness concept, and this change is just the start of it. I don’t know what the future holds, but I can’t wait to find out!
I’m not sure what I am doing with the archives. I don’t know how it will all work. Don’t worry, I promise you won’t get lost trying to find me. For now, consider this post a line in the sand. From here on out, I am the Avenger of Sexiness!
PS – if you have any suggestions of what I should use for my Twitter name, please let me know. @ChristineBPC makes no sense if I’m no longer the BigPinkCookie. To be honest? That is the only part of this name change that is freaking me out!
48 replies on “13 Years and 1 Day – Changing the BigPinkCookie name…”
@christinebpc YOU”RE DOING IT
I remember when you STARTED using it!!
Lisa Hoang when I switched from BlahBlahBlog to BigPinkCookie? No way!
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Simone Bello Guillory liked this on Facebook.
🙁 and 🙂 What a crazy crazy thing. These specialized blogs these days. They have no idea.
Faith Kaminsky Cohen I don’t know that it will become any more specialized. It just feels more ME. After all the changes I’ve made in the past 2+ years, having a clean slate is liberating.
I suspect I’ll still ramble on about whatever I want to ramble on about at any given moment. Don’t worry about that. 😉
Congrats, Christine! I remember first reading your blog way back then! I think I had ‘Bindi’ at that time, my first blog. We didn’t even have a comments function back then! 🙂
Oh, I am not worried about you. Just a more general observation about in 13 years. I changed names more times than I can remember. Ultimately, I closed my last domain based blog because Patti McEwin was going to kill me for keeping the oldest working Bersion of WordPress (maybe???) open and it was killing the server with the spammers. Mostly I just sort if stopped using it, too. I blog totally anonymously now using good old Blogger. Not so much though, because without my identity I am pretty boring. Just thinking about 13 years ago….
Bersion = version
no more BPC? awww, I do love the name, but I totally understand your reasoning (and love avenger of sexiness!) I still remember the fun of making a design for you Early-early in the BPC domain years 😀
Kristine Beeson liked this on Facebook.
Matthew DesOrmeaux liked this on Facebook.
Nicole Dolan liked this on Facebook.
I remember when you switched from BlahBlahBlog to BigPinkCookie – but I’m old skool. I was thinkdink then I believe… 😉
Thirteen years sounds about right for me, too. My oldest readable archived entry that exists is from April 2000 – but I had some on Blogger and Greymatter and neither of them exported extremely well so I may be closer to 14 years.
I definitely remember the switch to Big Pink Cookie and Faith’s blog, too!
@christinebpc you’ll always be the big pink cookie to me. Good luck on new endeavor!
May 8, 2000. Seriously CRAZY. That was my Blogger post, before I moved to Greymatter, and then MovableType, and finally WordPress. (I actually toyed with moving to SquareSpace this week, but I like WordPress. Not ready to leave.)
Tamara, what was your blog? I don’t recognize you by name.
Another Mom 2.0 observation? We still rarely recognize people by name, but we know the blog names!
Back then, it was either at tamaranicole.com or leftofwest.org.
Christine, I went from Blogger to Greymatter to Moveable Type to pMachine/Expression Expression, plus I use a little tumblr for something else. It’s amazing how times change.
And Kristine! How many of us are there still kicking around?
yep, I was April 2000, before I even got married! started as hopelessromantics, then kadyellebee. Blogger, Greymatter, Movable Type, with a little TypePad in there for a while… 🙂 Tamara, there can’t be that many still hanging out in the same circles, it seems!
Tamara, I remember tamaranicole!!
I had Bindi on my business domain (visionx) then aesthesia.net then onto my current alyshajane.com and also had missaisle in the middle. Like all of you, I used Blogger, then Greymatter, Moveable Type and onto WordPress. I started February 2000. Must dig out all those archives!
OMG! Alysha, how long have you been using alyshajane? I remember Bindi and the fact that you’re also friends with Nick Jordan tells me I crossed paths with your blog once or twice.
Rachel Hamill Lacy liked this on Facebook.
Tamara Nelson liked this on Facebook.
Good question! I looked it up and I registered alyshajane on 28th of December 2001! Had no idea I’d had it that long! I remember your blogs Tamara! I think I met Nick via your blog actually, or was it the other way around? 🙂
Tamara Nelson I remember you as LeftOfWest.org!
Nick found my blog and left this random quote on it… as for how you and I connected, no idea. Must have been through him somehow.
Now I’m at GoodAdvices.com. I’m going to go through all my blog notes, design sketches, and old sites living on my server here and see just how many of us there are.
I remember when you bought BPC – It’s been a loooooong time. I completely relate to the idea of letting things go and wish you every success!
My old blog roomie! Can’t wait to see what the future has in store!
Robyn O’Rourke Pollman liked this on Facebook.
David Esquire liked this on Facebook.
It is like a “Good ol’ days” reunion here! I *love* it!!!
Now I need some Erika Lanier, Jennifer Makower Stuart and Susannah. Brandelion. Susan Hill Baggett. Let me see, who else…
Jennifer Chaney liked this on Facebook.
Liz Van Gerven liked this on Facebook.
that’s easy, your Twitter name becomes @ChristineAOS
It’s always good to hear about metamorphosis. 🙂
Trunetta Atwater liked this on Facebook.
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