
I’m Not Alone…

While Kymberlie and I still worked together, the truth came out one day. I had *NO* clue that Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia were not only brother and sister, but actually twins. Granted, I haven’t seen the first three Star Wars movies (or number 4-6 depending on how you want to count) since they first came out in the movie theater. It was still a great source of amusement that I was clueless about that movie trivia fact.

I find comfort in the fact that maybe I’m not alone. While doing wedding research on locations in Galveston, I came across April and Adam’s Wedding and Honeymoon 2003. A bride is of course always on the hunt for good ideas and drooling over pretty pictures, so I checked their photos out. I couldn’t help but notice – they have Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia on top of their wedding cake.

Does that mean that they have no clue (like me), or that they are symbolizing the sibling love of Luke and Leia? Really, I’m hoping that they are clueless, just like I was. Otherwise, that’s just creepy.

UPDATE: Ok, not only am I a dork because I had no clue that Luke & Leia were twins, I obviously can’t read. The caption says HANS and LEIA. Not Luke. So now it’s just amusing to me because I wouldn’t want Hans and Leia on top of my wedding cake. Mad props to Kat for setting that straight for me!


Passing Thoughts…

Dear Blog:

I feel so bad. I really should write in you more often. The past month (ok, who am I kidding, 6 months to a year) have been a whirlwind. I am barely online at all anymore lately, quite a switch from the way my life used to be. However, I’m incredibly happy. Sure, I miss the little things – the people I’ve met, the laughter we have shared. But I’ve been focused on big things lately – like planning a wedding and house hunting. Both seem to be coming along though – as soon as we finalize some decisions about locations (for both!) then the dust should finally settle. I hope. Maybe not.

Until then, I don’t mean to neglect you, dear blog. I promise I will return soon with great tales of the woe and agony of finding a house or the stress of planning a wedding that will make everyone happy. Trust me, I’ve got some stories to share…

First I have e-mails that have been waiting for weeks to answer. I feel so bad – I hate that they sit there, waiting for me. But sometimes life is like that, and you just have to hang on and enjoy the ride.



Motivational Thought…

“What you expect of yourself will be closely linked to what you accomplish” – E. A. Teppe

Media Consumption

In My Country…

The Bush in 30 Seconds finalists are online. Amazing, amazing work. I think the “What Are We Teaching Our Chiclren” ad (high bandwidth version) might be my personal favorite Check them out! [Via Jay Allen]


Painfully Cool…

Know who really rocks? Shelli! While I was busy taking a blogging break and then getting engaged and all the mayhem that has come with that, she was busy creating a wonderful “This is Your Blog” just for me! How awesome is that? Learn all about what happens When Good Cookies Go Bad.

THANK YOU SHELLI!!! I love it!