

Nasty, nasty headache this afternoon. Probably in part due to fasting until almost 1pm because I had a doctor’s appointment this morning (pre-op clearance with the cardiologist) and I instinctively knew she would want bloodwork drawn so I didn’t eat. Smart move, saved me a follow-up trip over there for the lab work, but now my head is painful.

Ok, ok, focus on the positive…

So instead of thinking about my headache, here is a cool link with a neat post – 3 Ways to Feel Gratitude. Positive power!

Categories Picture Time

Destination Newborn Session…

Reading His First Book

Back on October 15th, Gannon was born to Cari & Chris up in New York City. Chris is one of Mike’s best friends from high school and was one of the groomsmen in our wedding. When I went to NYC back in May, I had breakfast with them the morning that I was there, and Cari made the comment that she wished I lived in the city so that I could photograph their baby when it was born, she already went and find the’s pick for traveling double stroller so she could take the baby to walks. I pointed out that a plane ticket to New York is cheaper than what most photographers there charge, and that if they would pay for it I would fly up and take his photos.

I spent the better part of a day with them – Gannon was fussy and had been having a hard time eating, so we took our time with him. (Plus it was great to have a chance to visit with Cari & Chris!) I love, love, love so many of the photos we got from the day! I’ve posted most of them on the photography blog, but had to post some here too.

The above photo is of Chris reading their first of countless books together. His brother, Scott, had sent over this super cool custom book all about Gannon’s name. I had been up on the rooftop getting skyline photos, and when I came back to the apartment I discovered this beautiful moment taking place – I’m so glad I was able to capture it!

Below are some of my other favorites from the day.

Mother's Love

Power to the Babies

Wee Buns!

(We’re saving that one for sharing with his first girlfriend!)

You can view his whole set over on Flickr. Interested in hiring me to take your child’s newborn photos? I would love to talk! More details at the Newborn photography site.

Abducted by Aliens

Nothing New…

I went back to Dr. P yesterday since the girly issues seemed to get better and then get worse while I was out of town. Of course, everything was pretty normal yesterday, and he didn’t actually examine me. He did take the time to talk with me though, so that was a good thing.

– I still have fibroids. No shock there.
– Surgery, still scheduled for November 14th.
– He will be doing a laproscotomy at the same time to check on the ovarian cyst.
– After surgery, it is best if I stay on the pill to prevent future fibroids.
– Of course, with blood pressure issues, being on the pill isn’t such a great idea.
– The other option is to have a tubal ligation and then remove my uterine lining. The reason for the tubal is to make sure I never get pregnant after that, because that would cause all sorts of other problems.
– I’m not ready to make that decision. So for now, I’ll stay on the pill.

So now I just wait for surgery in just over a week. I’m looking forward to lots of knitting time in my future.

Categories Picture Time

Another Future Knitter?

Rebekah, Sleeping

Meet Rebekah. Her grandmother is a knitter. But she doesn’t just knit, oh no. She does pretty much every other craft you can think of too! She crocheted the blanket that Rebekah is sleeping on, and she smocked and made her beautiful dress. So amazing!

Tiny Hand, Handmade Love

I love photographing babies – they are just SO sweet! Interested in hiring me to take your child’s newborn photos? I would love to talk! More details at the Newborn photography site.

Wedding Photographer

Honey, I’m Home!

Biltmore Bride“Believe that you can do it, under any circumstances. Because if you believe you can, then you really will. That belief just keeps you searching for the answers, then pretty soon you get it.”
– Wally “Famous” Amos

Finally home from the workshop, and let me just say it … it was gooooooooood. I love that feeling of fresh inspiration that you get from things like attending workshops. And to make it even better, guess what? I won the grand prize in the photo contest! Squeeee!

More updates over on the Wedding Photography blog.