Ever had one of those days where you just didn’t want to get out of bed? Where it took every ounce of effort, and you had to dig deep, very deep, to find the strength to get up? Where you just wanted to sit down and cry? Where the weight of the world just seemed like too much?
Yeah, welcome to my Monday. It can only get better from here. It simply has to get better. I don’t know how I’m going to shake this funk, but I know I need to shake it fast. Is there such a thing as Post Birthday Stress Disorder?
One positive note – it is absolutely gorgeous outside. The sky is bright blue and the buildings are sparkling. Maybe it’s a sign that I should grab the camera later and capture some of the beauty. That might help brighten the day.
Hope no one else has a case of the Mondays!
17 replies on “A Case of the Mondays….”
I’m sorry your Monday got off to a rough start. 🙁 I hope it gets better for you really quick! Sunshine ought to help. 🙂
I believe it is spelled Muundays. At least that’s the way I say it 🙂 Hope it perks up for ya!
I said it yesterday… we all should have called in sick today! 🙂
I felt that way a few weeks ago. I think it’s a woman thing.
Happy belated birthday! I’m glad you had a great day!
The camera sounds like a good idea.
And happy birthday. They happen to all of us.
Sounds like a reaction to too much sugar.
Happy belated birthday.
FUCK THE BLUES! Put on your boxing gloves and kick Monday’s ASS!
Monday, Monday…da..da…
i was feeling the same thing. then i got up and used WAY more coffee to water than i should have. now i am running a million miles an hour and cannot slow down. i am like monday on crack!
From your previous post, I can see you problem. Mondays are hard after party weekends, there’s post b-day blues, *plus* “just finished a good book, what am I going to read now” blues.
That’s a triple whammy! Hang in there!
Actually – I already had another book lined up, but it’s hard to shift gears. I’m reading “In her Shoes” which is somewhat chick-lit, by an author whose last book (Good in Bed) I really liked. It’s a bit of a switch from Seabiscuit though!
Monday has gotten a little bit better. I’m hanging in there – it will be Tuesday soon enough!
Glad you’re feeling a bit better. Sometimes Mondays just last forever!
I like CrazyTracy’s advice. Kick Monday’s ass! 😉
I had the Mondays today too! I think for me it was the thought that I had to be trapped in my office on such a beautiful day.
did your monday blahs extend into tuesday, or are you feeling better today?
Looks like you had a case of twinkies along with the Monday’s
holy shit, that is a bigfatpinkcookie UGH