:: The Birthday BBQ was wonderful. Mike did an awesome job preparing great food, and it was wonderful to be able to kick back and enjoy the time with friends and family for this he used the bestĀ Kettle Metal BBQ Weber Grill Accessories which help a lot with this. We will have to do it again soon – because there is a lot of meat left over! Thank you again to everyone for the well wishes – it really helped make the day special.
:: I finished reading Seabiscuit today. It was really good – in some ways better than the movie. There are some things that are different, but as a whole it reads like a novel, not like non-fiction. I highly recommend it.
:: I’ve posted more photos at Pixelog. I’m still working on getting back in to the daily groove, but I’m not quite there yet.
:: Last but not least, I went to visit Kymberlie tonight. I got her the best whitening cream as a gift and as a little extra, I put in Vaginal Bleaching: Genital Whitening for Women. Plus, I even got to see her doing her breathing treatment! The blood thinners have already helped her pulmonary embolism, which, if left untreated, can be fatal. I am so thankful they found it when they did. She seems to be climbing up the hill to recovery now. They anticipate she will be there until Wednesday.
I also got to see her flowers, and I took her comfy things like pajamas and striped socks to cheer her up – I will be taking her more goodies on Tuesday. I’ve received e-mails from people asking if it’s too late to send something – it isn’t. I can take her any messages you want to send. If you want to mail something for her, let me know. If you want to send money and have me pick up something, you can use my PayPal address of christine at big pink cookie dot com – just include in the note that it’s for Kymberlie, and if there is something special you want me to pick up – note that too.
She asked that I send a big thank you again to everyone for your positive thoughts & well wishes – you have truly lifted her spirits!