While driving home today, I saw a truck with a sticker on the back window that read:
Beautiful, Intelligent,
Tattooed, Charming and
Nice. If you’re going to announce to the world that you are horny, you might want to at least spell it correctly!
Unless she is maybe a follower of Karen Horney, the neo-Freudian. Do you think that could have been what she meant?
5 replies on “A Good Time for Spell-Check…”
Maybe she was Karen Horney! Tee hee!
I’m not sure, but I think that HORNEY is the British way of spelling it.
For example, “Call Victoria’s Secret, break out the Crown Jewels and the rub-on tattoos. The Queen is very horney today,” or “That Beckam fellow makes me horney.”
Please allow me to pass judgement on the woman with with bumper sticker – for some reason me thinks that she has no idea who Karen Horney is.
Oooo….I should check my posts before I press the button!