I spotted the Alphabet Meme at Carla’s site and then many others, and I couldn’t resist. Here’s the scoop – type the letter from the alphabet into your address bar – post the first URL that comes up in your alphabet list. What fun!
A is for And She Said
B is for BigPinkCookie
C is for Chatty Kathy
D is for Desktop Chronicle
E is for Everyday Smiles (and Evite, and Ebay …)
F is for Floopie!
G is for Global Jen
H is for Heather Champ
I is for I Don’t Think
J is for J-Mo
K is for Kadyellebee, Kristine with a K
L is for Left of West
M is for Maison Pants
N is for Neurotic Fishbowl
O is for Orbit 1
P is for Pixelog
Q is for … well, I have nothing.
R is for RedSaid
S is for Snazzykat
T is for The Working Mom
U is for Uffish Thoughts
V is for Jeff Veen
W is for WordLog
X is for another letter that isn’t used often
Y is for Yarbroughs.org
Z is for ZanyCat
4 replies on “A is for Apple… J is for Jack…”
Alpha Bits
From Christine, who got it from Carla – type the letter in your address bar of Firefox (Internet Explorer only if you must) and list the first URL that comes up.
A – Arsclan.net
B – Big Pink Cookie
C – Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporti…
Yay! I’m someone’s A! 🙂 I love seeing all the links this meme’s bringing.
Very fun.
An Internet Alphabet
I saw this over at Christine’s and couldn’t resist playing along. If you want to play, type the letter from