Travel Notes

A Journey of 10,000 Miles – a Roadtrip in my Mini Cooper…

Mini Cooper Road Trip

I left Houston on June 30th for this roadtrip adventure with the mileage count on my Mini Cooper at 4272 miles. Beyond the set dates of events that were planned — World Domination Summit, BlogHer and Team-X Fight Club — I didn’t have a specific route set since my gallbladder surgery messed up my original plan, is not like I was getting a Cosmetic Surgery by Kybella as many celebrities do, and you could check online.

Yesterday, near Butte, Montana, I hit 14,272 miles on my Mini Cooper. 10,000 miles since I’ve left home. The photo above is from when I pulled over as soon as it rolled to that number, so I could photograph exactly where I was at the time. I had spent so much time with myself I was now quizzing myself on the 5 Most Famous Celebrities Who Have Had Tummy Tuck Surgery. Too much time on my hands!

Going through photos from the past 7 weeks, it is incredible to think of all of the things that I have seen so far. I’ve been so fortunate to visit family, friends, previous clients that are now friends, and new people that I’ve met. To see the prairie, the mountain ranges, the canyons, the ocean, the grasslands, rainbows, waterfalls, and sunsets.

I could not possibly be more grateful for it all.

When will I be returning home? I don’t know yet. I’m heading to Glacier National Park today in northern Montana, and then up in to Canada. I’ll be meeting up with Mike again in Calgary. From there, I still have to map it out. I’ve got inquiries for some photo shoots, so I hope to do those as I make my way back south. Beyond that? I don’t know. My answer when anyone asks is, “Eventually.”

No matter what happens, or where I go – I know it is going to be nothing short of amazing.

States seen so far: Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, (flew over to Illinois), Colorado, Wyoming, Montana. Plus Canada – British Columbia, and soon Alberta.

Trail Ridge Road - Rocky Mountain National Park
The Mini Cooper view on Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
Mini Cooper at Colorado National Monument
The Mini Cooper at Colorado National Monument
Camping at Crater Lake, Oregon
Our first car camping campground at Crater Lake National Park in Oregon
Camping at Mount Rainier with a Mini Cooper
My first “solo” campground at Mount Rainier National Park, Washington
Mini Cooper Under the Milky Way at Yellowstone
My Mini Cooper under the Milky Way at Yellowstone National Park
Beartooth Pass in a Mini Cooper
The Mini Cooper at Beartooth Pass Highway, near the Wyoming & Montana border

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

19 replies on “A Journey of 10,000 Miles – a Roadtrip in my Mini Cooper…”

So glad you posted this. What a trip! What beautiful photos! I’ve grabbed all the trip photos you’ve put on Fb, but they lack the text (except I tried to make part of it the file name so I’d have some idea of what it was). As a former teacher I had was wont to say, “Onward!”

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