Have you heard the word? Rannie has a new domain! Yes, you can now find him and his fabu new design over at photojunkie.org! A special birthday treat. I can’t wait to see what develops there. (Develops, get it? Hahahaa… damn, that was lame.) Welcome to your new home, Rannie! I wish I could have been there for the birthday party!
5 replies on “A Special Treat…”
*sigh* what is it with everyone and the developing joke tonight? 🙂 (Annessa also used it … now it’s seriously painful, before it was just a throbbing ache.) 🙂
Wow! And here I was being creatively lame all on my own! What a psychic connection!
Great Minds think alike eh? We’re punny. Get it? Pun — nevermind. But Christine gets it. I think.
Mwuhahahah!!! I get it!
Hehe, I might say I was crying in a corner for the sake of humor, but I’m not one to talk … my puns are tasteless beyond compare. 🙂