If you happen to be one of those people that have come to this site from the numerous daily Google searches for the word “blah” – would you mind humoring me by taking a moment to leave a quote to let me know why on earth you searched for that word in the first place? Please? I’m always curious when I see it in my stats. Single girl, home alone on a Friday night – please make me happy by leaving a comment about it…
7 replies on “About this Whole Blah Thing…”
Haha, whenever I got bored with my roomates, we would search for domains with random words in it (back in the day – nowadays, that’s often a little sketchy) – http://www.blah.com was an oftsearched one because it reflected our bored mood 🙂 http://www.bored.com was another popular one at the time 🙂
I was downloading a new winamp thing, so i could enjoy music. (as though 2 radios and a portable CD player in one house aren’t enough) and I was tired of replying to e-mails, so i typed in blahblahblah.com – it told me there was no such site, but maybe I was looking for this similar site… so what the heck, here I am.
As for a quote, here ya go (and it’s an original)
“don’t get so busy looking back at your past that you trip over your present and break your future”
…whatever. i like it.
The name of my old site used to be Ramblings of an Exhausted Mom. I used to get tons of hits for “pics of exhausted people”. Too weird. I know I don’t want to look at pics of exhausted people. lol!
I was searching for blah because I was testing mozilla’s google search integration. how boring is that — although sometimes I will search for random words while I’m trying to construct a useful search string in my head.
i was bored at work and often type my feelings into google or as a dot com. your site with warm and fuzzy pictures and comments was just what i needed to make it through the last hour of work
p.s. you are so cool! and whomever took those photos is a great photographer!
why the blog thing?
I searched for “blah” cuz that was exactly how I felt at the moment.
Weird that it showed your page.
So, you are a single lonely girl, eh?
Send me an note, maybe we can keep each other from being lonely..