
All Bubbly…

Whenever I start to dig through all of the supplies over at Bramble Berry for soapmaking – looking for goodies for Sudsalicious (ugh, pop-ups! I must get that site out of the claws of Network Solutions so I can move it!) – I start considering eBay auctions. There are seasonal soap items, or things I would only make once, that I don’t want to add to the Sudsalicious site. I want to just auction them off – but when I look at the auctions out there already they aren’t doing well.

On the other hand, when it comes to candles – I know that Liz must be doing well with her Bay Candles on eBay – I have a ton of them! And she runs things a lot like I want to – I make them when I can, and when I want to. With a full time job I simply can’t meet the demands of having a ton of orders waiting for me sometimes.

So this is today’s consumer survey: if you were buying handmade soaps would you be more likely to buy them from a site or from eBay? Would you consider buying them off of eBay? What would influence your decision?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

9 replies on “All Bubbly…”

Personally, I tend to not want to go through the hassle of waiting for an auction to end, so I go directly to online stores for this type of thing. Paypal is so easy to configure these days, and so I tend to lean towards people who use that or something equally easy.
(and pictures are good! I like buying things that I can see! Oh, and my favorite makeup site sends me an email every month to tell me what’s on special – that might be a way to get repeat customers!)

I would be more likely to buy from a web store. I do buy stuff from eBay, but only things I am specifically looking for. Chances are I would never even run across your stuff on eBay.
Of course it never hurts to do a little of both.

i don’t know, but i wish i known about sudsalicious before just now, i would have contributed. i just unloaded a shitload of unopened soapmaking kits at a community garage sale yesterday, left over from some big bonehead idea to make (barking?) moose soap for christmas one year. still available: a big bag of candle making stuff. anyone?

Hmm, I’d have to go with “web store” by a nose – I agree with Michelle that unless you used “sex” as a keyword for your auction, not enough people would see it. Plus, it takes time to list your stuff. I say, make excellent product, get featured in InStyle, bought out by a big yet cool cosmetics company, retire a millionaire. Keep me posted on how it goes. 🙂

I used to make enough soap that being featured in InStyle probably could have been a possibility. That’s the problem though – I don’t want to make that much. I learned that after doing it full time, when I actually reached the point where I would have had to hire other people.

Maybe if I add a “special auctions” section on the Sudsalicious site? Then that could link over to any current auctions at the time.

Most of my auctions do well because of word of mouth — almost everyone who buys from me is a repeat buyer or a friend. I’ll also admit that I’m shameless with advertising in my blog as well, LoL! But that’s ok, don’t you think? I mean, it seems entirely appropriate to me. But lately I have noticed that it’s once in a blue moon that I get a new bidder that I don’t know already.

But I know what you mean… about wanting to make things in small batches. Unique stuff, not a big operation. Although, I must say that I have an actual formal business plan (gee it’s only taken two years!) that is almost complete with a ‘big operation’ in the works. :o)

I agreee – a store is probably better so you don’t have to worry about bidding and you could go back and find your favorites. I haven’t bought any sopas from here yet but I’m going to soon – they look lovely and she is having a sale!

Oops! I didn’t realize you owned Sudsalicious! I didn’t mean to throw out a competitor’s link… now that I know you also sell some, I will be bookmarking you and checking out your scents! They also look yummy Christine!! 😀

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