Rusty finally gave in and posted at about BigBlogger and the end of the line! Ok, must really rally the troops hard – with 34,000 subscribers this could be the final blow. Bastard! (I don’t feel bad saying that here, I’ve called him that on IM already.)
Poor Ken though. Rusty wrote, “The other finalist is Christine” … uh, no. Ken is a finalist too, and a damn good one. I would feel guilty about asking you guys to vote if I had ever been up against Ken – but I wasn’t. Edited later: Well, I shouldn’t speed read before a nice afternoon nap. I totally missed the part about Ken. Oops. Hooked on Phonics, here I come…
Go vote for me. Please. Must crush the K5 machine!
17 replies on “What About Ken?”
You missed where he plugged Ken in the paragraph above the one about you….. 😉
Well, I noticed that he mentioned Ken, but he linked to me…
Either way, I shouldn’t be reading blogs before the nap, I was blurry-eyed. Now I see it all. Oops. Should I claim I was drunk or something? 😉
Don’t we have a “project” that I’m supposed to be doing for him? I had almost forgotten….
I voted 🙂
Voted 🙂
Okay sweetie … I’ve been whoring it up on my end for you. Hope it’s worth something.
voted! good luck!
did as i said i would, but was away so did it later than would have liked.
I spy ! 😉
Big Pink Cookies!
amazing boobies, robyn, just amazing. made my night, and i’d already voted!
I can’t take credit — it’s a FARK graphic. 😉
Okay, I just have to put in a word for my favorite Big Pink Cookie-girl, Christine, who is a finalist
vote for Christine, she rocks
trying to reach a different audience (than my own blog) for my friend Christine, of big pink cookie. she’s in
Christine, Shiktook and Me
Some years back – I think it was spring of ’38 – I was out hiking through Silver Bow County, Montana. It was a warm day – nothing about the clouds made me think it would be anything other than a good, clear day in the mountains. So me and
vote for Christine
big blogger all star! vote! for christine!