To All Media Types on the East Coast:
Please. There is a hurricane outside. WHAT do you think you are doing, going out side? Do you think that anyone can understand the broadcast that is full of “bprrreeekkkk” sounds constantly due to the wind? And you’re telling people to stay indoors – why don’t you listen to your own advice?
The goofy newscasters here in Houston do that all the time too – standing knee deep in storm water as they tell us all about the flash floods and things like that. We laugh at them. I thought that people on the East coast would be smarter, for some reason. Really, how many times do we need to be told the same things over and over? “It’s flooding here.” 3 minutes later, “Yes Frank, it’s flooding here.” No kidding! Stop saying it over and over!
So my message to those of you on the East Coast is: get back inside the building! Or evacuate! Either way, keep yourself safe, and stop making yourself look stupid!
Thank you for listening.
8 replies on “An Open Letter…”
“Dear Media: Please stop making yourselves look stupid.”
Now that’s a message I can totally support. 😉
Amen, sister!
I don’t remember any newscaster swimming in the water in Florida with the reports of shark attacks, or standing in the middle of the highway when reporting on traffic. Why is it they only choose to do this with the weather?
Ha – I totally agree! The audio is always so broken up and we are left to look at some poor schmuck in a rain slicker standing in toppling winds and horizontal rain. For what? Hel-lo – we knew that mess was out there. Go inside and get dry. Have some hot chocolate or something.
And I don’t EVEN want to talk about those nimrods frolicking in the surf behind the news men/women. They belong in a totally different category unto themselves.
how dare you to interfere with the process of natural selection!
Lester, you’re right. Those newscasters need to start doing what Stu suggested. Swim with the sharks! Stand in the middle of the road during a high speed chase! Be selected!
They are all retarded. I was kind of happy I lost my power and cable so I didn’t have to listen to their sensationalized reports.
Reporters and Hurricanes
They did get what they deserved! Stupid journalists trying to stand in a Hurricane and do a report. This report was Brian Williams from NBC talking about wind velocity. Wait till about the Three minute mark, thats when the fun starts. Then to top it al…