Picture Time

Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Program…

Guess what? Pixelog has finally been updated. I know, I know … try not to faint from the shock!

There is still a part of me that wants to completely merge both sites in to one somehow so that my photos will get the love that they deserve. I don’t know … I just don’t know. It’s either that or redesign this site so that the photos are included on every skin. Hmmm…

So? What do you think?
(Yes, I truly want your feedback on this.)

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

12 replies on “Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Program…”

I prefer sites that merge the two, personally. I don’t always remember to look, or know about the photoblog, or just don’t have the time. If they’re posted to the main site, I’ll see them. It’s usually the only way.

Y’know, I’m the opposite. I like to visit the photolog and just soak up the photos. I love the idea of putting random photolog pix in the sidebar, I’ve thought about doing that myself. And I have the skin with the pixelog entry at the top as my skin (LOVE that!). I really appreciate the heads-up to go check out Pixelog when you’ve updated, because I usually do head on over. More than you asked for? Probably. But I love you just the way you are. [/Billy Joel moment]

I like having the one at the top. It reminds me to go look. Of course pixelog is also on my “photoblog” blogroll so I see it update there too, but it’s nice to see it. I’ve wanted to do the thing with the little thumbnails in the sidebar, but haven’t had a free day to try and figure out how to code it.

So that’s one vote for keeping the nice big picture at the top. But I do agree with what Lisa said about having a just pictures blog. I like to be able to go and see pictures, but I also need the reminder to go look at them! I do really like the solution you’ve got right now. Kinda best of both worlds.

Hey Christine, I guess what you could do is make the thumbnails up top larger. That way your readers get a larger bite of what your photos are about and head straight in. Works for my site.

Of course that also means you now need to resize ALL your previous thumbnails. The joys of Photoshop batch action!

I really like the layout as it is – I can understand that you may want to simplify things by merging them. However, they have separate identities and vibe to me and you’d have two excellent sites as opposed to one. Either way, hope you choose the one you feel most comfortable with most.

difficult decision, really. like one side says, pixelog has a distinct vibe and there are advantages to having all your photos there. but, to combine the two would give more exposure to your photos, without one blog stifling the other. decisions, decisions.

i like your blog how it is, btw. the thumbnails along the top seem to work for me, reminding me to visit. (i’m not much of a commenter, though–especially on photo sites, so maybe it’s just that the audience viewing the pixelog is more…reserved? we’re out here and watching, but not saying much?)

i guess my feedback isn’t really conclusive! like ste said though, whatever you do, i’ll come back.

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