Know why I love to visit Meryl’s site? Because she always has the goods! Thanks to her I found the Blogsticker Party – All you can eat, and then some. These things are cracking me up. Sure, they are spinoffs of things we have all heard before, but considering last night I told Catherine about my latest stress situation and how if I took the measures I wanted I would end up in jail, and then proceeded to ask her “Do you think they would let me blog in jail?” – well, those stickers are funny. Then Meryl also had a link to The Internet License Plate Gallery. Ryan’s site mentions that his plate says “Geeeeeek” so I wonder if he has submitted a picture of it? Then there is the bullet flashback. Kymberlie & I were talking about “the old days” yesterday and how we *always* had to change all of the icons on our desktops. I think I used to even have a set of Lockergnome icons if I remember right – that’s what got the whole discussion started. What a blast from the past. Now that the novelty of icon changing has worn off for me, the icons on my desktop are just the standard ones that come with Windows2000. I know, how boring…
One reply on “Because She’s Got the Goods, Baby!”
Surprise, surprise, our vanity plate reads “OUALUMS”. But I can’t tell you the number of times Todd has been asked if it reads “QUALUDES”. Yeah, makes perfect since, huh? 😉