If you’ve been listening to the PointySticks podcast, you have heard Jonathan Coulton. He sings the Ikea song and the Baby Got Back song, along with others, that I have played on past episodes. Really, he is fabulous.
He said that if a particular city was able to round up at least 50 people demanding his show, he would come to that city. Houston is *so* close (I was number 46!), and I would love to see us go way over the top. If you are in Houston or near and you like his music, would you please go and demand that he come to our area?
If you don’t live near Houston, look to see if your city is on the list – or add it! Make a demand!
2 replies on “Billy the Bookcase Says Hello…”
“Everyone has a home. If you don’t have a home, you can buy one there.”
ARGGGG!!!! He was here in DC yesterday and I missed it. I’m going to go cry now.