It was a gorgeous (much cooler!) day in Boston today, and we had a great time playing tourists with Erika and Susannah, and their Jays even joined us in the end as we were finishing up lunch! We met at Quincy’s Market, at the Sam Adams statue outside Faneuil Hall. Jenn & I recognized Erika right away, and she is just as adorable in real life as she is in her photos! Susannah got there just seconds later, and is wonderful too! (I know have a 1 degree of separation from Robyn and Todd!)
We spent some time browsing at Quincy Market, and from there we decided to head to Parish Cafe for lunch. We took a bit of a detour though, as we went by the Old State House, the Kings Chapel Buring Ground, the Boston Commons, and the Public Gardens – where we saw the swan boats and even some actual swans! It was a fantastic stroll, although my “real” camera (you know, with film) kept freaking out on me! First I thought it was the batteries, but even new batteries didn’t help. I think, but could be wrong, that it was an issue with the film not being tight enough as I was loading it. I asked Jenn if we could go back to the cemetary because I’d like to shoot more black & white there – I don’t think mine came out.
Lunch was wonderful & relaxing. I’ve decided I’m moving to Boston. (Ok, maybe not … but I think I woulld really like it here.) We don’t have parks right in downtown Houston, there is no place to stroll like that, and outdoor dining in July is simply unheard of there – and I love things like that. So we hung out, enjoyed our food, our touristy day, and shopping! Jay & Jay got out of their movie and came over to join us for lunch, and then took group photos for us over at FAO Schwartz! (I’ll post mine later here, but you can go to Erika’s site now and see it if you want!)
After we left Erika & Susannah, we went to get Jenn’s New Odyssey! She’s waited for months to finally get it – and it’s gorgeous! (Pictures of Jenn & her minivan to come too!) I officially got to drive on the Mass Pike! (That doesn’t make me a Masshole Driver, does it?) I was driving her car back to their place as she drove the van, chasing after her as she was zooming along at 90 mph! I couldn’t lose her – I didn’t know where to go if I did.
On a separate note, I may be out of Blogwhore: the webgame, but I still feel like I’m a part of the game! Philo has cast me as Veruca Salt in Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory and William cast me as Claire in the Breakfast Club. Nancy also cast me in Breakfast Club, as Brian’s sister. It’s as if I’m still playing… (It’s ok, I’ve claimed the title of the straight girl Blogwhore. It doesn’t matter that I was the only straight girl in the game to begin with…)
As a closing thought to the day, as we browsing in Quincy Market, Erika looked at Jenn & I and said, “Does it seem odd that we just met?” We went on to discuss how funny it was that we had just met an hour earlier, but it was like hanging out with old friends. That’s what I love … it almost always seems that when whenever I’ve met up with other weblog owners. The world isn’t that big after all.
3 replies on “Blah Blah Boston Babble…”
Such great summaries — you must be having the time of your life! Can’t wait to see the photos! We miss ya’ around here though… 🙂
I know that could be trimmed down to zero if you’d come visit Tampa! 😉
Good point, Todd! As soon as it’s a bit cooler and I have some cashola saved up!