Yesterday afternoon Jennifer and I headed over to the Cambridge side of the Charles River for the fireworks. We went in the afternoon, so we had time to kill before the show itself started. By the way, it gets just as hot in Boston as it does in Houston, and we were HOT. So after some photos by the river of the skyline, we went to Baskin Robbins for ice cream. Then we stopped at a drug store so I could buy postcards – and they had the fans with the squirt bottles to keep us cool! Had to buy one, just couldn’t pass those up. Like Jenn said, it made the difference between us passing out and making it through the day! After that we headed to the T and went to Harvard Square. Browsed the shops, had dinner at Border Cafe. After that we went in to Harvard Yard (or Hahhhvard Yahhhd if you prefer to say it that way.) Took tons of photos all over the place. After that we headed back to the river and camped out on the Longfellow Bridge (the Salt & Pepper shaker bridge) to get ready for the fireworks. It was amazingly cool – they had speakers on both sides of the river so we could hear the music just like the people at the hatch shell. They also had TV screens set up, so we could see the show at the shell too. And guess what? Barry Manilow was there! (Hey, stop laughing. I like Barry Manilow.) But of course the highlight was the fireworks themselves, they definitely went to the best Fireworks shop around to get them, they were incredibly amazing. They were amazingly cool. Sam recorded them for us too, and we have them on TV right now – it just doesn’t do them justice. They were incredible, simply incredible. I can’t even put it in to words.
Today we have plans with Erika and Susannah in just a few hours. Tomorrow we’ll be back in Boston during the day – so hopefully we’ll be able to get together with other Bostonians tomorrow!