Know the Code

Blocked Blogs…

The strangest thing is going on. When I’m at the office, I can’t access a number of sites – including Pixels in Time and Snazzykat. It seems that our office IP is blocked -not just my IP, but all of ours here (so Kymberlie can’t visit either from the office.) I also asked the techno guy to check it out, and he said the same thing. They both seem to be hosting with Aletia? Maybe their server has blocked us out? I can see the sites just fine from home, when my IP is different thanks to RoadRunner.

I tried to e-mail Cheryl & Erika – but it bounced. So if you guys are reading this, yell at Aletia! I want to read your blogs!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

4 replies on “Blocked Blogs…”

weird. felicia said she sent me mail, and it bounced, too. I am using aletia… I’m going to email them now. Could you pass along your IP for me? I’ll check it out…

that is so strange! for the longest time, i couldn’t access *yahoo* from my office. no one could. it was this big mystery. and then one day, it magically came back to us. but i had already thrown myself at google and have not turned back since 🙂

THANK YOU!! so much for posting this, Christine!

I’ve had trouble for 2 days trying to reach my site from home using my DSL line but I could get to it using my AOL dialup account and from work.

I had no idea other people were having the same problem. I’m kinda glad it wasn’t just me. So, it looks like it *wasn’t* something on my DSL provider’s end since your office is also affected.

I contacted Aletia 2 days ago and again yesterday and they said my site was up and that all looked OK from their end. They pointed me to my ISP.

My DSL provider just assigned my DSL gateway a new IP address last night so I can get to my site now. They didn’t know what was wrong somewhere out there in DNS or router land.

So, the plot thickens now that I find out that you couldn’t get to my site either!

I find it very hard to believe that my ISP would ban me from my own IP address hosted by another company.

Also hosted at the same server at Aletia is (who has “closed” his site for a few days — I bet he’s moving it to another Aletia server or another provider…) and — both of which I also could not get to. But I can now.

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