The annual Blogathon is such a wonderful thing. It’s great to see people around the globe working for 24 hours to raise money for many different worthy causes. Might I suggest that you consider sponsoring someone? Here are just a few of the ones that I know:
:: Brandy
:: Christine
:: Daphne
:: Faith
:: Lynda
:: Mary
:: Michele
:: Rannie
I’ll be adding to this list later, including the charities they are blogging for. Are you blogging in the Blogathon this year? Let me know!
This post brought to you by a nudge and a reminder from Michele.
16 replies on “Blog, Blog, Blogathon…”
This is my first year doing the Blogathon 🙂 I’m blogging for the Mental Health Assn of Cincinnati Ohio. I can’t wait to see how silly things get around the blogland 😉
Thanks so much for the link! I’m actually getting kind of nervous about making so many posts for blogathon. I’ve been feeling so quiet lately, but I guess I’ll have to turn on the chatter soon. 🙂
Blogathoning for Amnesty, and even setup a little side blog for the event..
Crap , sorry should’ve been:
Blogathing, Blogathon … all the same thing! 😉 I like blogathing – sort of like thing-a-ma-bob!
I am also doing the Blogathon for the EFF. I was trying to get donation out of my family last night.
A Blogathon virgin here; I would’ve done it last year, but not having a blog at that time would’ve made it a tad difficult. Blogging for dollars for The American Library Association (
Thanks for the link dahhhh-ling! I’m blogging for Precious Pugs Rescue and Adoption (Boris made me do it).
What about me?!
The Cookie doesn’t like me anymore. 😉
I can’t wait til this weekend. I imagine it’s going to be a lot of fun. I just really hope I can stay up that long… and that people comment. If I feel like I’m just talkin’ to myself, I’m going to be screwed. 🙂
Sorry Melissa! I was speed posting and doing it off the top of my head – I’ll update the list tonight and you will definitely be on it! I’m sure I left others off too! (as this comment thread demonstrates!)
I just felt like whining. 😉 It’s all good Christine. Thanks though. 🙂
Are you going to be keeping us company that night? Hmmm? Me, Brandy and some of the other chickies are going to be on IRC. You should come!
Teehee! Whining is a good thing – I wanted to know who was participating! I wish I could, but I would be a mess for the rest of the week if I had to stay up for 24 hours straight.
I have a confession. I’m clueless about IRC. How do you use it? (Seriously. Not a clue.)
I was composing a How-To and it got too long for the comments. I need to explain it on my blog probably anyways, so I’ll post it there with some screenshots to help. 🙂
Here’s my problem – I’m a cheap wuss. So, I probably won’t Blogathon (wuss) and it’s very doubtful that I’ll sponser someone (cheap) — even for the bloggers that I really love.
Sounds like I need to suck it up or break out that wallet!
I am blogathon-ing for the first time. I make glass beads (using a torch) and that’s the subject of my blog. I’m going to try to tie them together by making beads AND blogging about the process. As the day wears on, it might just be the process…lest I burn the house down. 🙂
Thanks for the props! 🙂