Geek Love

Blog, Blog, Blogomania…

I am home from Minnesota; have been for a few days, actually. Jason will be home in a week and a half, and I have so much to do before he returns – I simply must take advantage of the time. My number one priority? Blogomania. While client needs have not been neglected over the past few months, a lot of things behind the scenes have been. Now I’m working on putting a new internal bill tracking system in to place, and I am in that focused and driven mode. Manic, anyone? Yeah, that’s me. I had to force myself to stop and eat earlier. I love the focused mode, but when I am like that, nothing else can get in the way.

In case you were wondering, Blogomania is alive and well. The down time on my site last weekend was an oversight that was hard to catch without web access. The down time on client sites on Sunday was a bad thing, but fixed very fast. Nothing like that has ever happened in Blogomania’s past 2+ years, and it will never happen again.

Now its time to share some great Blogomania news! Earlier in the month all of the accounts were upgraded! The plan that is listed as 200 mb on the site is now 325 mb! The mini plan that didn’t have a MySQL database before now has one! We are going to offer two new hosting plans once all of the site revisions are done! Great things are in the works, and I can’t help but use too many exclamation points to share my joy!

Normally, I don’t like to talk about Blogomania too much here. You know, keeping my work and personal life separate and all that. But I know that a lot of people might have missed the announcement in the Forums, and I wanted to be sure to spread the great news.

So that is what is new here. How about you?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

4 replies on “Blog, Blog, Blogomania…”

Oh, you know, a little of this a little of that – redesign, blah blah – have you seen it? 🙂 I also sent you an e-mail re: my last Blogomania bill – let me know if you didn’t receive it.

I just went to check it out – I wondered when you were coming back! – and I get a blank white page in IE. I viewed the source code – there is definitely stuff there – but it’s not displaying. 🙁 Just thought I would let you know!

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