Has anyone managed to get their domain name back from Bloghosts? As far as I’ve heard, no one has managed to do it, even with sending their information in the format he has requested. Sad, very sad. So I’m curious to hear if there are any success stories out there.
I have always felt that if a host registers your domain for you, they should put everything in YOUR name. None of it should be in their name. And you should have absolute control. So it really upsets me to be stuck without access to their own domains.
14 replies on “bloghosts [closed for business]…”
I’m interested, too… one of my blog-buddies (e-Claire.us) lost her domain name as well. She’s back online with e-biscuit.com, but it’s still crappy.
All i’ve seen is posts on forums they’ve had to register new domains because they can’t get control over their bloghosts registered domain.
I guess some people found it too hard or too time consuming or easier for their host to register their domain. Personally I prefer to register my own for retaining control, and also because all my domains are registered with domains by proxy.
I register domains for people through Blogomania, but use a third-party company and put everything in their name. They have the username & password, they have control, it’s all theirs. So this just makes me sad to see…
I emailed Bloghosts twice with the relevant information for my boyfriend’s domain, and he emailed them twice also. We didn’t hear a peep, and it’s been weeks and weeks.
They have some cheek with their latest update, which in essence is telling everyone to stop whining.
We’ve ended up registering a new domain, as we’ve given up on ever getting the other back.
If you are paying for the domain, it should be yours. This whole thing sucks!
I am glad that I registered ailurophile on my own…if I were to lose it, someone would have to die!
I haven’t gotten mine and I have sent everything in triplicate to him. Smacked ass comment insterted and censored for his ltest update. I wish I hadn’t been such a dunce at the time of doing all this. It was a big waste of my money. But I have at least learned something. I now have to debate waiting till April or trying to get my non creative brain to think up something for another URL.
Well, don’t forget – even if a domain expires in April, it still takes a few month to be released back into the wild, and then you have to hope that you snag it before the evil spammers do. I’ve missed it twice, which sucks.
That’s so sh*tty. I once worked for a small web design and hosting company run by a REALL *sshole, and what he would do is say to the client “I’ll register the domain for you” and then he’d put it in his name, and so then when they customers got mad at him for other reasons, they couldn’t take their domain w/ them, and these were business! I always thought that was nasty. He’s out of business now of course.
I haven’t heard anything as well. And I refuse to pay for something again that I’ve already paid for. I was thinking about filing a smalls claims against the company.
a Christmas Miracle has happened.
I am a friend of Emily’s who hasnt had a chance to email you.
I got left out in the cold on the Bloghosts crash, but send 4 emails with the last one cut and pasting his exact words and tehn making legal talk (I guess law school wasnt for nothing).
AND I JUST GOT MY DOMAIN BACK!!! Pretty damn happy. Will be contacting bloghosts shortly about setting things up 🙂
Stinkerbell – I’m a bloghosts customer who’s been trying to get my domain back since November. I haven’t been able to get a response from them, even though I’ve sent them the exact info they requested 3 times now. Would you please be willing to email me the “legal talk” you sent? I’d be grateful to you forever if I could get my domain back. Thanks, Ellen. email address: helliemae at gmail point com
im about to post their home phone number. this bloghost service is garbage. ive emailed a NUMBER of times. so has my girlfriend. and we even called them and left a message. trash.
PLEASE let me know how to do it…
I haven’t been able to get the domain re-registered AND I’ve now lost my blog…. I couldn’t get it transferred over because of the domain name thing and it’s all gone, bye-bye now… please let me know ASAP as I’ve been trying to set up a hosting matters account to get this done…
I’m very, very unhappy.
shoot I didnt see any of this I will see if I still have teh email and if you email me (kkeenan2 at hotmail dawt com) I will try to send it to you.
I am so sorry I didnt see this in time for JimS.
Oh and that bit where I flubed it the freak right up I meant I will be contacting blogomania shortly (once I can get my puter back to Dell to get fixed) Now if only I can ever be forgiven for that horrendous flub…