Bloglet is quite a cool tool that will let you subscribe and receive all of the posts I make by e-mail! But not just one e-mail at a time … noooooo … you can sign up for many blogs and get an e-mail that resembles a digest form of all of your blogs! How is that for cool? [via Scriptygoddess]
2 replies on “Bloglet!”
Well since you decided to give it a try – I also did. I put it up on scriptygoddess (and of course signed up for yours)… got the email this morning.. pretty cool.
My confusion with it was that I didn’t know the owner of the BLOG had to sign up with it… (which means that probably many of the blogs I read WON’T be on it unfortunately)
I got the email this morning, too, and I think its a really neato idea. I’m gonna go back and see if I can figure out what I did over there yesterday (I was kinda in a hurry when I was playing), but the bloglet site was down this morning for a while after I got the email.
I’m working on adding theredkitchen and hopelessromantics 🙂 Thanks, Christine!