Educate Me

Brand New Day…

Ahhhhh… it is amazing what a good night of sleep will do for the spirit, isn’t it? I went to bed early, I slept a little later than normal thanks to Mike getting up and taking Jason to school, and now I’m just relaxing. So much better. I don’t have much time to relax though – I’m going to go weave in the ends and felt my giant slippers, along with a Sophie bag, over at Katy’s house. Then it is off to develop my last roll of film. If it wasn’t for the fact that my portfolio is due tomorrow and I still need night photography prints, I wouldn’t go in to do it. However, if the photos I took last night don’t turn out, I will need to shoot more tonight – so I have to go in.

I plan to lay low and say as little as possible. I will continue to make my best effort with my work, and just let that speak for me. I will also do the online evaluation, and once the grades are posted, I will possibly write the department chair to let him or her know about the situation. I am still bothered by the lack of critique on our work, and the more I think about it, I worry that he thinks I’m such a “know it all” that he has been grading my work harder than others. Obviously, I would like to get an “A” in the class, so I just need to ace the final and be done with it all.

My bigger hurdle left for this week is the Biology lab practical and unit 4 test. I’ve learned this semester that while I didn’t care much for the bacteria and protists section of Biology II, I like the later plants and animal sections. Unit 4 has been vertebrates, and I don’t mind studying them at all. While reading a Zoology textbook the other day to prepare for our project, I actually had to make myself put it down and get the project done – it was that interesting! Random trivia, always a good thing to have!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

3 replies on “Brand New Day…”

I am so glad you are feeling better today – and I agree with everyone who commented below. You do not need to apologize. you did nothing wrong, *he* did! BTW, my new camera should be arriving Friday!

when you say, “once the grades are posted, I will possibly write the department chair to let him or her know about the situation,” my immediate gut is not to wait until grades are posted. Do it NOW, so that it doesn’t come across as whining about a grade, but rather as it should, “Hey — this guy needs to bring it down a notch, and this is my experience, and it holds regardless of what my grade ends up being.” He was a prick, excuse my language, and there is no way that behavior toward a student is acceptable. Is he tenured? Amazing the things professors can get away with once they get tenure.

I thought about that, but since I am pretty confident I’ll get an “A” in the class, it can’t really come across as whining about my grade. I’ll probably send it as soon as I’ve got my portfolio back and have most of my grades – our test isn’t worth that much – so that way it won’t sound like I’m whining and the whole incident will be rather fresh as I replay it in the letter.

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