
Bridal Update…

Done this weekend:
– The wedding cake is ordered from The Cake Lady.
Kymberlie’s royple colored bridesmaid dress is ordered. Yes, royple – it’s royal blue and purple, or a very dark periwinkle which rocks. (It is this color, only it is a satin A-line skirt, not the sheer chiffon fabric shown.)
– I’ve picked out my shoes but am waiting to see if one dress shop will honor the other store’s price. ($70 with 20% off at one store, $50 with 15% off at the other store.)
– We picked out and wrote up all the text for the wedding invitations and response cards, but we are waiting on the same price issue. The local dress store only offers 20% off; the store where my dress came from will give me 40% off. If the local store wants the sale, they will have to match the discount.

Left to do:
– Find an officiant (obviously pretty important, that’s why it’s on the top of the list).
– Finalize arrangements with the DJ.
– Find a florist and order bouquets and other flowers.
– Finalize the block of rooms needed for the hotel.
– Pick out tuxedos and get them ordered.
– Make arrangements with Rannie to get him to Houston.
– Buy bubbles and decorate the bottles.
– Decide where we are going for our honeymoon and make reservations.

The best news of all? Thanks to the South Beach Diet – I’ve lost 6 pounds. Last time I tried on my wedding gown a month ago, I had to breathe in to get it zipped up, and then I walked around barely able to breathe. The 6 pound loss is enough that I could be zipped comfortably and breathe easily. Whew!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

15 replies on “Bridal Update…”

the color looks like “cornflower” to me… which is one of my favorite colors for a bridesmaid dress. i wanted that for my wedding, but it was in july and that probably wouldn’t fare very well. i went for eggshell/canary yellow instead.

Could it be … Satan!??! 😉 No, I actually meant satin. Oops! I changed it now though.

Kathy, it is more purple then cornflower, which did make my short list of colors. Cornflower is great for a summer wedding – it was one of the colors they picked out for me as being “summer appropriate” – but your bridesmaids were gorgeous in their dresses! (I love flipping through your photos!)

Congrats on the loss! Sounds like you had a very productive weekend. 🙂

We did our smallish wedding in 3 months and used the JOP that my brother used, that was the easy part!

Oh my gosh! You weren’t kidding–it really is called “royple”!

And folks, I can say that Christine is looking gorgeous these days, what with the six-pound loss. But, of course, she looked gorgeous before, too. 🙂

Congratulations on the success with South Beach. Mikey looks marvelous, so I’m sure you do too (not that I ever get to see you). 😉

I am also mightily impressed that you’re putting all this together so quickly. Have you ever thought of becoming a wedding planner? It always seemed to me to be a fun idea, especially when dealing with other people’s weddings. 😀

I can put it together so fast because I’m not super picky and I don’t panic about it. However, if I was a wedding planner that had to deal with bridezilla who wanted every last detail planned? Oy. That might be even worse then working with attorneys… 😉 (Oh, bad joke. I couldn’t resist.)

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