In case you didn’t notice, I am really enjoying this whole Blogshares thing, but when their site was down, it messed with my site because the button wouldn’t come up and the MTBlogShares plugin couldn’t update. I asked about the button issue in the forums and Seyed confirmed that it is ok to save the button to your site, to make your own button, or to just link with text. Just thought I would spread the word …
Speaking of the MT Plugin for Blogshares, there is another one out with more features! You can check it out here at Poetic Geek’s site. David is also making changes to his version, which you can pick up here. He has already fixed the glitch that caused sites to not rebuild when Blogshares was down, so be sure to update yours!
3 replies on “Button, Button…”
That type of thing is why I pretty much won’t embed anything from a site that isn’t under control on my pages. Not images, not blogrolls, not anything. I like to have full control of my content. Sometimes I screw up my own server or content, but at least then it’s my fault and I can fix it (and make sure it doesn’t happen again). But when someone else’s server is down and it makes my page load slowly or incorrectly, that sucks. And if someone’s server gets compromised and content on my page gets replaced with kiddie porn, that sucks too.
My job is to be paranoid (I do information security), so I perhaps am more paranoid than is always necessary. But better safe than sorry, IMHO.
It is after 7 p.m. and I am trying to get you on the phone. I have called your house and your cell phone twice. It is medically important that I find out tonight if Jason has medical insurance. This is NOT a joke. and I am NOT playing a game. You are somewhere on this planet since you are writing on your blog page. PLEASE CALL ME ASAP….
i just joined the game this afternoon and bought my first shares! i am officially hooked, and almost broke because i didn’t know the tricks. but i’ll bounce back. i promise. 🙂