Dear Crocheters,
I know, I don’t normally crochet. I just can’t do it – it doesn’t make my hand happy, and it doesn’t make me happy. However, my cousin Leslie has taken up the crochet hook. And just like a good cousin should, I’m supporting her crochet endeavors. Because really, it is all about the yarn. Mmmm… yarn.
Anyways, she is a fairly new crocheter, and she wants to make a hat. One of those cool, hip, trendy hats – the kind that fits rather close to your head. No brim, if I understand her hat desires correctly. Just a cool hat.
Anyone have links for a cool hat? Or anything else that she might want to knit that you recommend? And yarn to go with the patterns? We’re looking for more “basic” yarns for right now – none of the luxury fibers.
If you can hook me up, I would really appreciate it. (Get it? Hook me up? Oh my, I crack myself up…)
10 replies on “Calling all Crocheters!”
Try, an online crochet magazine similar to Knitty or MagKnits. They have several hat patterns that sound kind of like what she wants. And, of course, LionBrand’s site has a gazillion million crochet patterns.
Shoot Sheryl and email (SAPMeansATaolDOTcom). She has designed serveral for the shop.
Ann beat me to it…I was going to suggest, too.
she can also try
Go check out wooly wormhead’s patterns..
The Hex Hat is probably just what you need…
Yes, I did do crochet on my Charlotte’s Web shawl. Just the one called for at the end of the pattern, it’s very easy – don’t be intimidated by the tiny hook required for it!
This is a cool purse. The rest of the site sucks, but I’ve made this and it’s great. When she’s done knitting it, she should stick it in a pillow case and tie it closed and then wash it in hot water twice. It makes even the worst knitting look amazing. I think it looks cool when you use a yarn that not just one color – like in the picture.
there’s a ton of free patterns linked from Whip Up at the moment as it’s the project this month – hope this link works or every crochet pattern you could imagine!