Birthday Wishes Picture Time

On Display and the Birthday Boy…

I still can’t figure out how to send a text message along with a photo from my phone, and I can’t get it into that speed typing text mode either (something 9? Those of you that text know what I mean) so I didn’t send a full message with my photo of my photo last night. Then when I got home, I was so tired I crashed by 10pm, right after watching a very interesting documentary on the concentration camps of Nazi Germany.

I was told before that all photos submitted would be on display, but that was not the case. The correct statement was that all photographers that submitted work would have something on display – one print from each person that submitted work. My “Don’t Lose Your Head” (Click to see it larger) print was selected, so it was pretty cool to walk in and see my work hanging on the wall. I wasn’t sure if they would all be there or just one at that point. It was also interesting to see other people looking at my work. I thought about taking a photo of someone looking at the print as it was hanging there, but I thought that would be sort of weird and I didn’t feel like asking anyone if I could take their picture. My phone makes this really loud sound when I take a photo with it, so no stealth photography for me. That is why I was so far away from the print when I took that shot! Although it would have been easy enough to explain that it was my picture, so I wasn’t violating any copyright law.

They have already done the judging, and I didn’t win any prize. However, I didn’t really enter for the prize – I entered more for the opportunity. So in the end, it is ok. I hope the winners were people that really needed the money to continue their education. It would have been nice, but financial issues are not standing in my way and keeping me from registering for the fall semester. (Organic Chemistry, Trig, and a required Psych class that you have to take for the scholarship I am applying for. Already registered on Wednesday.)

The big news for today? JASON TURNS 14 TODAY!!! Oh my goodness. 14. How did that happen? It seems like only yesterday he was a cute little baby. Now he is 14! He will be in high school in the fall! Yes, I have to use exclamation points with everything related to his birthday! Tonight we will go to eat with a few of his friends from school, and then the guys will go and play Laser Tag. Afterwards, it is Cold Stone ice cream cake (yum!) and X-Box time at our house, and one of the guys is spending the night. Tomorrow night we have family dinner plans with my parents.

14. I still can’t believe it.

I had this gushy post in mind yesterday, but I didn’t write it right away (being half-asleep and all that) so now I don’t remember it all. I wish I did. I’m sure it will come to me later though, and I think I’ll save it for just him. Something sappy to remember how much Mom loves him.

Happy Birthday, Jason! I hope 14 is a fabulous year for you!

Birthday Wishes

Henry is Here!

Katie, aka BeingKatie, had her baby! Henry was born on yesterday (4/5/06), so he shares his birthday with Mike! I must say, he is quite adorable.

Congratulations to Katie & Chris! I can’t wait to meet Henry! Let me know when you want those family portraits taken!

Birthday Wishes Knittastic!

Happy Birthday, Mike!

Today is Mike’s birthday! Happy Birthday, Mike!

I could go on and on, blabbering about how wonderful he is – because trust me, he is truly amazing. Best husband ever. Jason & I could never ask for more. However, I’m not going to go on and on about it right now because I have a Chemistry test in just over an hour!

Mike was the guest DJ for episode 4 of the Pointy Sticks podcast . It is definitely the get up and dance episode! Yo, DJ, kick it!* So even if you aren’t into knitting or you have never listened to a podcast before – check it out! You can even listen right on your computer! (Well, if you have a working sound card. Which we don’t have in our desktop PC right now.)

* “Yo, DJ, kick it!” is courtesy of the “Sirens of TI” – the show at TI (aka Treasure Island) in Las Vegas. Kymberlie and I decided that even though it was the worst show ever, it was also the funniest – and that was one of our favorite lines.

Birthday Wishes


A few weeks ago, I talked about Deb and the need for blood donors. Today is Deb’s New Birthday – the day of her bone marrow stem cell transplant. I snagged the update below from Manolo’s Shoe Blog – Sis #1 wrote it and sent it to Manolo, but I’m sure she wouldn’t mind me sharing it here.

Dear Manolo,

Just wanted to let you know an update on my sister at . She is going to be getting her blood stem cell transplant on Monday. Right now, the Debu is already admitted to the hospital to get the preparatory treatment—radiation and chemo. The blood stem cell transplant is not an easy process to go through but it gives the best hope to thousands of people, including my sister.

Though going through a transplant is not terribly fun, we learned something that we didn’t know previously—that the donation process is pretty easy. People think of donating blood stem cells as being very painful, and the old way of doing it was certainly not comfortable. But the new technology does not involve an operation into the bone marrow, rather, they just take extra stem cells out of the donors’ blood—kind of like giving platelets.

My sister was fortunate that she had a match in my brother. But there are thousands of people who are not that lucky and rely on the National Marrow Donor Program to find a match. Here is information on how to join it: .

Anyhow, with the transplant, the Debu is going to be in the hospital for 20-40 more days and is already bored as heck. As her hospital fashion statement, she rejects hospital gowns as being too immodest and ugly, and favors Nick and Nora pajamas (Target now carries them—they are the most genius company). She has the internets in her hospital room, and it has been a lifesaver to be able to visit her internet friends. So if you would like to visit, I am sure she would adore it.

Buona giornata!

Go send the Debu some love and cheer her on in her fight. She is totally going to kick cancer’s ass.

Birthday Wishes

Awww, Come On…

Really? Only 10 people have a birthday? Come on – I know more of you have birthdays! Fess up!