Birthday Wishes

You Say It’s Your Birthday…

After missing Kristine with a K’s and Min Jung’s birthdays earlier this week, I’ve had enough. I’m going to make a fresh, new birthday list so that I don’t forget any more birthdays.

So, when is your birthday? Hey baby, what’s your sign? (Ok, I don’t really care that much about your sign, but it is such a great pickup line.) I want to be sure that I can wish you a happy birthday! I can’t handle missing any more important days!

And if you leave your birthday info, it greatly increases the chance that I can buy you goodies for your birthday. And really, who doesn’t want gifts?

Birthday Wishes

We Pulled it Off…

Jason got home from school today and I made him do his usual chores. He was going about things slowly, so I asked him if he wanted one of his birthday gifts early. He immediately perked up.

I put a copy of the original Splinter Cell game in a gift bag, told him to get the phone so we could call Mike at work, and then gave him his “gift.” He opened it, and was really excited for a second – until he realized it was the original game. Then he got a sad look on his face, as he explained to me that he wanted Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.

“Oh no! I got the wrong game? But you’ve been saying for weeks that you want Splinter Cell!”

I told him that we should call Mike anyways, but I knew Mike was in a meeting. We would just leave him a voice mail. As Jason was in the midst of saying that he got the original game, which was ok but not the one he had wanted, I said, “Wait! What is this … under the cushion here …” and pulled out THE Splinter Cell game.

I can’t stop laughing. The look on his face was priceless! He was thrilled to get the game, and now he’s upstairs playing it already. Meanwhile, I’m off to bake a birthday cake.

Man, I still can’t believe he is officially a teenager. Unreal.

Birthday Wishes

You Get What You Wish For…

Today is Jason’s birthday. He is 13. Could someone explain to me how that happened? Just how could he possibly be 13 years old? We’ve officially reached the teenage years. I can already tell it’s going to be a fun ride.

For weeks, Jason has been asking for Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory for the Xbox. Of course, he refers to it as just “Splinter Cell.” There is one problem with that. He has geek parents, with a somewhat twisted sense of humor. It took all the willpower we had to not purchase him a copy of Splinter Cell for his birthday. The original game came out in 2002, with a second round in 2004 and the current release last month.

Man, how mean would that have been? To be opening your gifts, convinced you were getting the game you wanted – only to find out you got the original version, not the one you wanted? I doubt that the original game has XBox Live capabilities, and Jason loves to play the Live games. It makes me giggle every time I think about it. I could have pulled it off too. I could have convinced hm that he had asked for “Splinter Cell” and how was I to know that he really meant “Splinter Cell Chaos Theory” when he said that?

Oh yes, you should be careful what you wish for around here. You just might get what you want!

Birthday Wishes

The Best of Intentions…

I had the best of intentions yesterday of wishing Mike, my uber-fabulous husband, a very wonderful birthday here. I had this great post composed in my mind about what an absolutely fantastic man that he is, and I am truly lucky to have him in my life.

Then the ultimate headache took over, and I was down for the count.

But we celebrated in person, and we’re going out to dinner tonight with my parents and Jason (he had to work last night), and we’ll be celebrating again on Friday. So while I didn’t post it here for the world to see, you can bet that I’ll be telling him many times how fantastic he is and how lucky I am. Meanwhile, I just had to take a moment to share it with the rest of you.

Me? Luckiest wife *ever*. He is simply the best.

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday to my Favorite Fish!

It’s Kymberlie’s 30th Birthday! Whoo hoo! Happy Birthday, Kymberlie! 30s are the new 20s! You will love them!

Happy Birthday to Wendy, too!