After missing Kristine with a K’s and Min Jung’s birthdays earlier this week, I’ve had enough. I’m going to make a fresh, new birthday list so that I don’t forget any more birthdays.
So, when is your birthday? Hey baby, what’s your sign? (Ok, I don’t really care that much about your sign, but it is such a great pickup line.) I want to be sure that I can wish you a happy birthday! I can’t handle missing any more important days!
And if you leave your birthday info, it greatly increases the chance that I can buy you goodies for your birthday. And really, who doesn’t want gifts?
37 replies on “You Say It’s Your Birthday…”
haha!! That song… the birthday song by the Beatles — that’s really my husband and my song. Because yo, the lyrics, “You say it’s your birthday? Well it’s my birthday, too…”
We have the same birthday. But I think you already knew that. Because uh, I TELL EVERYBODY.
‘Cause I think it’s neat!
It’s February 22. (Same as George Washington and Drew Barrymore.)
June 14. You had me at “gifts.” 🙂
october 17th… I LOVE birthdays! I don’t expect gifts but an email is always nice.
Mine’s this Friday! 🙂 (April 29th)
June 28th! I was gonna ask when yours is, then I remembered it’s over there, in the sidebar. 😛
mine is july the second.
heck i haven’t stopped here in awhile…i keep reading through rss 😀
October 1! One of these days, I will figure out how to add a birthday script to my blog…
August 31st. This year, I’ll be my lucky number! 33!
March 3rd — which is oooh so far away now!
I’ll be 21 on May 29th 🙂
October 16th 🙂 I will be 41 this year, ack!
august 18th
March 5. which also happens to be the best day of the year. quite the coincidence wouldn’t you say?
You KNOW when my birthday is!
July 23rd. Not soon enough! : )
Old enough to know better on 28th June x
Jan. 30th
Check out
May 19 — Taurus all the way!
I have a birthday. Just two days before Mariann’s too! 🙂 May 17th. 🙂
October 17th. Two days after my dad’s.
Mine’s March 2nd.
see as how I got a present this year, I’m fairly sure you already have my birthday (4/10). 🙂
seeing, too. der. I hate typos.
Sept. 22 is my bday! 🙂
March 18
December 30th
You already know mine as well. Bastille Day! Vive!
well, you know mine already. :giggle:
I am the WORST about remembering birthdays. Or I remember them, and then mean to say something or do something for the birthday-girl/birthday-boy and then get sidetracked. 🙂 Definitely something I’d like to be better at. 🙂
OK – I think you know mine as well – but I’ll tell ya anyway. Sept. 25. 🙂
May 30 — woo hoo!
Heh, you were a day too late. April 28.
Damn, no I was too late! I wish I had seen this the day you posted it!
I’m always late on things like this
Oh no, Jen! Did I miss your birthday too? Gah!
wow, I love birthdays too! 🙂
My birthday is 29 February. Isnt it a shame?
she is also known as “karliebarlie” but thats a whole different story!